Twitter Gif Downloader is an amazing tool to help you share your tweets and videos. It is a simple application that you can install on your Twitter account. You can then add various files to your Twitter profile such as pictures, tweets, audio and videos. It will then convert … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Your Start-Up Needs a Business Credit Card
Start-ups require many instruments to operate professionally and meet the owners' goals and objectives. One of the most important financial instruments that new businesses need is a business credit card. Some people have a perception that a credit card can only function well … [Read more...]
Explore Different Uses of Face Matching Technology for Businesses
Quality and accurate facial recognition software has increasingly become commercially available and acceptable. Gone are the days when facial recognition technology existed as a tool for movie villains or government agencies; now, companies, both large and small, are utilizing … [Read more...]
The Ins-and-Outs of Campaign Finance
It's important to understand the ins and outs of campaign finance when you're soliciting money to run for a public office. Spending money for purposes it wasn't intended for, for example could get you in a lot of trouble. If you are considering running for a local office or … [Read more...]
Ultimate Guide to Incorporating A Company in Singapore
When it comes to setting up a company, your first question is always, where do I set it up? As the title suggests, we’ve found the right place for you. With the best business policies, be it in terms of more lenient taxation for startups or better infrastructure to set up and … [Read more...]