There are many beautiful languages spoken around the world, but few hold as much importance as English. The primary language of business, communication, technology, and science, it's a language that is spoken by roughly 1 in every 5 people worldwide, and it's also one of the most … [Read more...]
The Questions Every New Business Owner Needs To Be Asking
Taking the plunge to delve into the spiralling world of business is a brave feat. There are many implications involved and a great deal of risk taking; but sometimes these choices have to be made in order to find the success you crave. However, you also need to proceed with … [Read more...]
How Can I Manage All My Passwords?
Are you having trouble managing all of your passwords? Keeping track of multiple passwords for all of your accounts can be a real challenge. The stronger and more secure your passwords are, the harder they become to keep track of, not to mention that quantity is a … [Read more...]
How Can I Improve My Writing Tone?
Most of the time, when writers feel something amiss in their writing, the culprit is almost always the tone. What’s frustrating about tone issues is that they are often overlooked, so we don’t usually pick up on them immediately. Your substance seems to be spot on, but how … [Read more...]
Leading By Example: How Honda Built An Internationally Successful Business
Judging by the 261,000-odd new Honda Civic models sold in the USA in 2020, Honda is a very successful brand and at the height of its success. And the popularity of their cars isn’t down to metrics like their performance, horsepower, cargo space, or fuel economy alone. Honda’s … [Read more...]