We're all aware of the staggering growth in property prices and rents across the UK. For too many, this is a major contributor to an increasingly unaffordable housing market. In addition, many believe that letting agents are not up to date with ever-changing digital trends, so … [Read more...]
Retail Stores Moving to Online eCommerce
In the recent past, the internet was used very much for surfing, looking for information, and emails. Now, people are embracing the net for their entertainment, food deliveries, and retail purchases. Just over a year ago in 2019, there were nearly 2 billion online shoppers, … [Read more...]
Top 5 Important Tips to Get a Small Business Loan Approval
If your business needs a quick influx of cash, small business loans are the best option for you. From traditional to alternative lending options, there are a ton of ways you can get quick funding for your small business needs. A business loan will help you achieve the funds you … [Read more...]
Ways to Build and Earn Customer Loyalty
Without customer loyalty, your business will not grow. Most businesses rely on repeat customers, and rightly so, because they spend more than new customers. It is cheaper to keep the customers who are already loyal to the business than to attract new customers. Of course, it is … [Read more...]
Diversifying eCommerce Checkout: Payment Methods You Should Consider Applying
Providing customers with enough convenience is of vital importance for the success of any store. It's no secret that online consumers have specific demands, needs and expectations. Being able to meet those means you'll have more traffic and more conversions. One of the … [Read more...]