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With the global COVID-19 pandemic forcing businesses to adapt to survive, many small businesses have been looking into ways to reduce their monthly costs. For many businesses, this has meant having to consider downsizing their office space to reduce overheads. In this article, we will explore some of the advantages of downsizing office space and how it has the potential to improve businesses.
Forcing a Move onto the Digital Frontier
For many businesses, a smaller office space means there is less space for filing cabinets and other storage. This means it is a prime time for businesses to move onto virtual solutions that not only free up much-needed floor space, but also allow for secure storage and sharing of important documents.
Digitizing office documents can assist in making companies more eco-friendly, as there is less paper being used daily, and it also helps enforce compliance, which is always a bonus come tax season. For companies concerned about their older records, documents can be scanned into their digital system and then stored on servers onsite or the cloud so there is no reason not to go digital.
Although companies may be tempted to go fully digital all at once, it is not always possible and there will always be some office equipment that will need to be moved to the new office space. Companies such as Kwik Logistics can assist with office moves that require the moving of large furniture such as boardroom desks and filing cabinets. For crane hire for home projects, renovations, commercial projects, and more, be sure to pick a reliable company such as Kwik Logistics, who has been in the industry since the 1980s, to ensure that your move is as hassle-free as possible.
Boost Productivity
Thanks to the huge number of people forced to work from home during 2020, many businesses have started to see the benefits of having workers only go into the office for key meetings or brainstorming sessions rather than having all workers commute to the office every day.
According to some reports, city offices in Melbourne in June were still only 5% full even after the strict quarantine restrictions were withdrawn. Allowing office workers more freedom when it comes to where they work often results in boosted productivity, and the move to a smaller space is less of an issue when workers are already spending less time in the office.
Having a smaller office space also promotes different forms of collaboration as workers are forced to find different ways to interact with one another and share ideas. Businesses that can adapt and grow through this process also find themselves more attractive to the younger generation of workers who are used to being constantly connected.
Saving Money
The biggest advantage of moving to a smaller office is that businesses have the potential to save a massive amount of money on real estate space, overheads, and a host of other things that go with running a business. Companies can save on electricity and water costs as well as on office equipment and more just by downsizing their office to one that is more feasible in an age where working from home is becoming more and more popular.
How to set up the ultimate home office
No business enjoys being forced to downsize; however, the reality of the situation is that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to reconsider the way they operate. Making the move to a smaller office has some distinct advantages and should always be considered by businesses looking to improve their productivity and reduce their monthly costs.
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