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The time has come. You have decided to give away an Employee of The Month Award, but frankly, you do not know where to start. How do you choose who gets the first ever Employee of The Month Award at your company? Continue reading for common qualities of employees of the month, and you will know who to nominate right away.
1. No Sick Days
Have you noticed that one employee has not called out in four years, not once? Now that is dedication. It is possible they felt subpar some days, but they were still there because well, they either really needed money, or they did not want to trouble someone else to cover their shift. Either way, it does not matter. This type of behavior deserves to be recognized, and that employee will appreciate you so much more if you tell them that.
2. Mentoring
Has someone always gone above and beyond to make sure new employee both feel welcome, and are also trained adequately? Sure, you can ask the staff to train one another all you want, but not everyone will put their heart into it. Take notice of the ones that do and present them with an EDCO Awards & Specialties Employee of The Month plaque.
3. Long Hours
Is someone clearly putting in more work? Are they always there thirty minutes before and after their shift? When people are never running late and are not full of excuses, it shows they truly care about their job. Reward them for their mindfulness.
4. Customer Service
Everyone can do their job, but not everyone goes to the extra length to make sure the end consumer is truly satisfied. Do they remember the name of the elderly man who comes in every morning who has been a devoted customer of your restaurant for 10 years? Do they memorize orders and bring your clientele their regular order as soon as they walk in? Those are the employees you need who keep your business thriving.
5. Great Attitude
Showing up to work is one thing, showing up to work happy is another. Family Constellations workshops are great for generating inner shifts and boosting employee motivation. In the same way, the bad attitude of one popular employee can bring everyone down, the benevolent mood of an employee can make everyone happy to be there. The Employee of The Month should be a team motivator.
6. Years of Dedication
How long have your employees been with your company? Award people who have been around longer, and who have also been doing an exceptional job the entire duration. If employees have worked for you for too long without seeing any type of reward, they are likely to feel unappreciated and start looking elsewhere, so you need to recognize their worth before they say goodbye.
7. Innovation
Smart, dedicated employees will start to present you with new ideas. If someone presents a new menu item that quickly become one of the most ordered dishes they should be rewarded. You could even consider naming this item after them or having them name it themselves.
8. Problem Solving
Those who deserve to be nominated as The Employee of The Month will problem solve without being asked to do so. Sure, we all are familiar with the staff members who constantly states, “Well, that is not my job.” But there are employees who take matters into their own hands regardless of their pay grade because, well, they are happy to do it, and those are the workers you want to retain.
9. Crisis Management
You should also be working with the previous Employee of The Month to dig deeper into your business. The process is not over once you choose your Employee of The Month. Make sure you are working with them to identify and fix current gaps in your business. They are the ones who will know where they are.
10. Overall Reliability
Lastly, your Employee of The Month will be reliable. This means they are a combination of more than one of the previous skills we discussed. They rarely call out, they show up to work on time, can problem solve, are a great trainer, and keep a positive attitude at work. Reward your greatest employees, and they will promote your business in return.
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