Weak passwords and password reuse are major cybersecurity issues. Strong passwords must be used in professional and business settings and by individuals for their personal accounts. When you have weak passwords, or you’re reusing them across apps and accounts, you are … [Read more...]
Advanced Keylogger for iPhone
The question of whether it’s possible to keylog an iPhone or not has already been answered. The main issue is now what a keylogger can do while subjected to a targeted iPhone. Keyloggers have moved from just being used on computers. They have also grown to involve more … [Read more...]
How to choose a secure password……and one you will remember
We’ve all been there, on line trying to make a purchase, obtain information or login to email and asked to create an account/update password before you are able to go any further. No problem until it asks you to create a password! We all need to do our bit to reduce cybercrime … [Read more...]
Keeping Your Passwords Safe: The How to Guide
Your password is considered to your life online. By not keeping your passwords safe, not only could you lose your personal data but it could also lead to a hacker getting into your account and if you make use of the same password for each of your accounts, it could lead to a much … [Read more...]