The government is stepping up its bid to encourage Britons to adopt electric vehicles, with the release of its Road to Zero report in July. With aims for at least 50% of cars sold being ultra-low emissions models by 2030 and a plan to ban all petrol and diesel cars from being … [Read more...]
Use Biodegradable Plastic Bags to Make Your Business Environment-Friendly
What are biodegradable plastic bags? Biodegradable plastic bags are made of plastic that decomposes naturally back into the environment when the natural micro-organisms that are found in the environment metabolize and break down the structure of the biodegradable plastic. The … [Read more...]
5 Green Businesses You Can Start
If you’re thinking about starting your own business and you want to aid in preserving the environment, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider the idea of becoming a green entrepreneur. Starting an eco-friendly business is a great way to enter the world of business. Not only … [Read more...]
How to be an Environmental Consultant
An environmental consultant has become one of the most sought-after jobs in today’s market. That’s because businesses are trying to make their working environment and production process more eco-friendly. It’s the right thing to do for the future of the planet, but it’s also a … [Read more...]
Social Entrepreneurship: Growing Business With a Purpose
Happy Pollution Prevention Week! This week is dedicated to reducing and eliminating sources of pollution to prevent damage to the environment, as well as maintaining the planet's resources and moving towards sustainability. In order for pollution prevention efforts to move … [Read more...]