Cybersecurity is a growing concern within organizations. Several large-scale breaches from 2017, like the Equifax hack and the Gmail phishing attack, demonstrated that even large, seemingly secure organizations are at risk. On the other hand, according to the Verizon Data Breach … [Read more...]
11 Cyber Security Risks Every Business Should Prepare For
Advancement in technology also entails an increase of its security. On a daily basis, hacking happens in different parts of the world. According to a study by TechCrunch published in ZeroFOX, around 600,000 logins are hacked, and that’s on Facebook alone. These are for personal … [Read more...]
Are Law Firms Ready for Disruption?
A significant cyberattack in 2017 brought company-wide disruption for a leading law-firm and raised the question of; whether law firms are prepared for a business outage and how would they service clients’ requirements? The Instant Group and Sandpiper Partners, a consulting firm … [Read more...]
DBS Checks for Small Businesses – What You Need to Know
Awareness of cyber attacks and digital fraud is on the rise and now, more than ever, small businesses are taking precautions to reduce their risk of security threats. The 2015 Kroll Global Fraud Report found that, in comparison to other nationalities who took part in the report, … [Read more...]
Cyber Security For Your Small Business
It isn’t too much of a stretch to say that many small businesses today couldn’t exist without the Internet. The Internet has enabled numerous small businesses to bypass traditional obstacles to market, eliminate costly processes and speed up service to their customers. All of … [Read more...]