What makes you an expert in your business? It’s not easy to position yourself as an expert. I mean, who are you to rave about what you’re good at? What makes you better than anyone else? Perhaps there is something about our British-ness that causes many of us to keep quiet … [Read more...]
What Would You Do if You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?
Say yes or shake your head in silent agreement if this has ever happened to you: you have a brilliant idea, feel passionate about it, a small voice highlights a little problem, problems appear bigger and real, brilliant idea disappears. Now back to the initial brilliant idea. … [Read more...]
The Beauty of Authenticity
People want results. You may be the nicest person in the world with good manners, an excellent pitch, cool niche area of expertise, fantastic dress sense, look good, speak well, have a great product yet – in the final analysis – people want results. Not just any result but … [Read more...]
Be a Magnet for Success
Being successful in business today involves much more than the latest marketing, branding and sales techniques. Getting to the next level requires a big shift in energy, mindset and attitude. However, I know that maintaining a positive focus when faced with challenges, … [Read more...]
How to Build a Business That’s Worth Your Efforts
Most entrepreneurs create a company for one reason – to provide themselves with an income. However, you should consider an important, second reason – to create an asset that is a business. Let’s consider the question of how to sell your business. But, before you can sell … [Read more...]