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Content is king in the digital kingdom. Informative and high-quality content is the foundation of your online presence. However, great content is not synonymous with top-ranking positions. Why doesn’t your website moves improve its ranking with good content?

It can be disappointing when you’re investing a lot of effort into copywriting for SEO. Let’s observe the digital environment before we rush to the wrong conclusions. According to recent stats, the Internet counts approximately 2 billion websites. Websites come to life and disappear every day. In 2021, there are less than 400 million active websites. Your website competes for ranking against those. Great content is crucial, but it’s not the only factor that determines your visibility on SERPs.
Optimise your DA
Your domain authority, DA for short, is an indication of your site reputation. Search engines consider your domain authority as part of the ranking factors that will determine your position on SERPs. Neil Patel explains that the higher your DA score, the better your ranking will get because your website becomes more authoritative. Ultimately, the DA defines how much weight your content carries. Relevant keywords are important, but you can’t boost your DA without relevant backlinks. That’s precisely where a lot of businesses hire a quality backlink building service that can target websites with high authority scores. Receiving links from websites that are authoritative and relevant influences your score, as it gives credibility to your content.
Social media visibility affects your ranking
Social media is not a direct SEO ranking factor. However, it will play a huge role in growing your online presence and visibility online. Indeed, the correlation between social signals and your ranking is high. First of all not all search engines use the same algorithm. Bing recognizes social signals, while Google doesn’t seem to use social likes and shares. Yet, an active social media presence creates a platform for sharing, growing the brand awareness and traffic volume.
Diversify your content platforms
The most common content format is text, such as webpages or blog articles. However, text-only can overlook a significant part of your audience. Indeed, there are two essential factors that businesses need to consider.
First, content platforms diversification enables you to reach out to a broad audience. Users who rely on screen readers, for instance, could miss out because your preferred content format may not be accessible from their devices. Others can find it hard to consume content in written format for a variety of reasons.
Secondly, you can use the new formats to support online indexing and ranking. Including alt tag text for screen readers in HTML offers additional content for search engines. A published video could also include a full written transcript to help both users and search engines.
Get your brand’s name out there
Search engines learn to promote popular websites. Promoting a brand’s visibility is not an isolated exercise. You can contribute as a named guest on relevant online magazines, blogs, or even podcasts. The process exposes your brand to a new audience, that can, in turn, increase brand searches.
There is no denying that you can’t outrank poor content. A high-quality content strategy is at the heart of your SEO efforts. However, it needs to be part of a range of activities that promote your domain authority, social media visibility, diverse content formats, and brand awareness. Ultimately, the easier you make it for search engines to find and remember you, the easier it is to get on top of SERPs.
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