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If you own a business, it’s important to ensure you’re maintaining the right grass for commercial purposes. This can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have much experience with lawn care or landscaping. However, knowing what makes up the perfect lawn can help you better select the right types of grasses for your business’s needs. Here are some tips for choosing the right grass for your business today!
Know the Needs of Your Business
Before you begin shopping for the right grass, it’s important to know the needs of your business. The first step is finding out what kind of business you have and how much time people will spend on the grass. Are they going to be walking or sitting? Is this a sports field or more like an office building where employees spend most of their day indoors? Will you host company-wide events, or will heavy machinery be used often on the grass? You get the idea knowing what business activities will take place helps narrow down the type of grass needed.
If there are lots of people coming through your property every day (like at an office), then consider using something other than natural sod because it won’t be able to handle all those footsteps very well over time. On the other hand, if it’s just going to be used occasionally during special events or company BBQs, then sod like TifTuf Bermuda or CitraBlue St. Augustine varieties will work fine.
Choose a Grass Variety That’s Right for Your Climate
If your business yard needs a complete lawn makeover, it may be smart to plan to install a new lawn altogether. If so, it’s important to choose the right grass variety. This is especially true if you live in an area with extreme temperatures or weather conditions. For example, if your climate is hot and humid all summer long, then it may not be possible for any type of grass to survive without irrigation or shade. Likewise, if winter temperatures regularly dip below freezing where you live–and even if they don’t–it would be best not to plant any type of warm-season grasses (like Bermuda) because they won’t grow well enough during this time period without protection from frost damage.
Consider Your Business Location and Surroundings
The first thing to consider when choosing grass is the climate and weather of your area. If you live in a dry climate, then drought-resistant grass like Zoysia grass may be more suitable than one that requires frequent watering. The same goes for cold temperatures: if you live in an area with extreme cold, look for something that can withstand those extremes without dying off completely.
Another factor to take into account is the soil type where you intend on planting your new lawn–if it’s sandy soil with poor drainage, look for varieties like Buffalo or Centipede instead of Bent Grass which requires rich loam soils that drain well but don’t hold too much moisture either (too much water will drown out this type). Also, consider how much time and effort maintenance staff members need each week/month; do they have time available? Will they be able to maintain this new lawn properly?
Check Your Lawn Care Options
- Mowing height. This is the most important factor to consider when selecting a type of grass for commercial purposes. A high mowing height will allow you to reduce the frequency of your mowings, saving time and money. However, if you have dogs or children playing on your lawn, then it’s recommended that you keep the blades at their shortest setting so as not to hurt them with flying debris from any rocks or sticks in the ground that may come up during trimming.
- Frequency of trimmings: Your choice of grasses should also be determined by how often they need to be trimmed–the more frequent the trimmings (such as once every two weeks), then more durable varieties will work best for your situation.
- Type of mower: Some types require special equipment like a rotary blade, while others can be done manually with hand tools such as scythes and sickles; others require nothing but regular old string trimmers, which are relatively inexpensive but inexpensive take longer since they don’t cut very deep into thick growths. Given that your lawn is a business property, investing in a great lawn care company that regularly maintains the grass is a priority.
Save money, water and time with the right commercial grass.
The right grass can save you money, water and time.
When it comes to commercial use, many factors go into choosing the right grass for your business. The most important thing is to choose a type of grass that will look great on your commercial property while also providing the benefits you need from it (e.g., drought resistance). Many people think that because they have an open space for their lawn area, they can plant any type of grass seed or sod, and it will grow just fine. However, this isn’t always true!
It takes more than just planting something on bare ground for your lawn area; there are many other factors involved, such as soil preparation before planting takes place so that roots have somewhere secure from which they can grow deep during hot summer months when temperatures rise above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius). If these conditions aren’t met, then chances are high-quality growth won’t occur, making things look bad both aesthetically speaking but also financially because plants may die off prematurely due to lack of nutrients needed throughout its life cycle.”
Your business can thrive in any environment with the right grass and care. We hope these tips have helped you choose the right commercial grass for your needs.
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