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Communication is one of the most important elements of a business. It keeps employees informed, prevents misunderstandings, reduces errors, and organizes the entire company. Simply put, effective communication is essential for a business to thrive. Unfortunately, improving business communication doesn’t take overnight. Rather, it could be a long and taxing process, and chances are, you’ve already tried a few tricks here and there. What you may not have tried, however, is taking voice coaching lessons.
What Is Voice Coaching?
As the name suggests, voice coaching focuses on improving one’s voice with the goal of ensuring one understands how to use their voice to its fullest. Those taking voice coaching lessons often undergo exercises that improve the following aspects:
- Breathing
- Intonation
- Diction
- Tone
- Posture
Voice coaching is usually a major step to becoming a full-fledged singer, but considering the aforementioned elements, it’s apparent voice coaching can be just as helpful to business people as it is to singers. Nowadays, voice coaching agencies are sought after by different corporation to improve their business communication, especially in many metropolitan cities like London. That’s precisely why there’s voice coaching in London that provide program explicitly for business-oriented individuals; one example being BeSpoke Coaching.
Nevertheless, voice coaching will teach you several things, but here are some areas you need to focus on if you want to improve business communication in particular.

1. Understand How Your Voice Works
Before you can truly utilize something for your own benefit, you must first understand how it works. The same goes for your voice, especially when it comes to business communication. If you want to use your voice to impact others, you need to know its ins and outs.
Simply put, you have to understand when speaking to others, people can take your words in different ways depending on how you express them. And much like how it affects how others perceive you, it may also influence how willing they are to listen. This is one of the main goals, as well as the basis of voice coaching – to help you understand how your voice works and how it can impact the state of mind of others. On that note, while it may seem a bit boring to you, make sure you pay attention to all lectures from your vocal coach.
2. Develop Your Voice Of Authority
Throughout the entire voice coaching process, you’ll hear the term ‘voice of authority’ quite often, which may lead you to the conclusion that it’s essential in voice coaching, which it is.
Voice of authority refers to the voice you create specifically to assert your authority over others, which in your case, are your employees. It’s pretty similar to how you change your behaviour when you’re at home as opposed to when you’re at your workplace, only this time, it concerns your tone. There are several ways to develop your voice of authority, such as:
- Managing nerves that control voice
- Sounding natural while under pressure
- Achieving the perfect balance between loudness and calmness
Singers often use these techniques for different reasons, but in your case, these would be extremely helpful when asserting your authority to employees. It’s also one of the many lessons you’ll get from voice coaching, so once these lessons are up, make sure you take time practicing these techniques.
3. Control Your Tone
When you’re talking to an elderly, you usually have a respectful tone, and when talking to a sibling, you speak with a somewhat casual style. In other words, you adopt a different tone when talking to different people. However, sometimes, your tone may change drastically even when talking to the same individual. This can lead to a bit of confusion on the listener’s part, which can prevent them from understanding the message you’re trying to convey.
As such, you need to gain control over your tone, and that’s one of the things you’ll learn from voice coaching – the ability to change or prevent changing the pitch and volume of your voice. If you often deal with people of higher status like stakeholders or project managers, effectively controlling your tone would go a long way in preserving your relationship with them.
4. Manage Your Words And Sentences
One of the many tips you’ll often hear from people regarding communication is to speak with clarity. But what does that mean? Speaking with clarity basically means speaking in a way that your message would come across your audience. There are several ways to do this, but one particular method is choosing the appropriate words and arranging them effectively.
It’s pretty similar to how you choose words and structure your sentences and paragraphs when writing an essay. Doing so allows you to lay out all the information to your audience without overwhelming them, which is more critical to business communication than you think. Furthermore, with the right words, you can even make a speech regarding a boring topic surprisingly entertaining. While regular voice coaching usually doesn’t cover this, voice coaching agencies like the one above has lessons covering this area.
Final Words
Contrary to common belief, voice coaching is a much more valuable process than you think. It allows you to gain confidence, improve your breathing patterns, but most importantly, it takes your communication skills up a notch. While business communication isn’t something you don’t master overnight, it’s certainly possible if you undergo voice coaching.
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