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Making your business more eco-friendly is not only good for the environment, but for your budget as well. Going green can take a little effort, but once you do it, you can save quite a bit in the long run. The reputation of your company will also be affected by the decision to lower your carbon footprint and that’s something you can’t put a price on, but it definitely matters.
Here are a few tips on how to do it.
Go paperless
You could use recycled paper or try to save on it, and print only what’s necessary, but why not go all the way. Almost all of the tools needed for running a business are now available in digital form and because of cloud-based technology they don’t require a lot of hardware lying around. Find the right tools for your business and provide training for the new employees and you’re good to go.
Use green energy
There are two ways of doing this. You can provide your own energy by installing solar panels on your roof for example. But there is also an easier way; you could sign up for green power with your current energy provider (if that option is available). You will get electricity the way you did before, but it will come from renewable sources. With the first option, the installment will cost more, but afterward, there will be no more electricity bills and with the second – your electricity bill will be a bit higher, but you don’t have to do anything.
The commute
Most of your carbon footprint comes from driving; therefore, most of the company’s carbon footprint comes from the commute. Encourage your employees to do something about this. You can organize a carpool schedule, pay for public transport tickets using the company money, or go beyond that and get a bike for everyone in the company. Make it into a (promotional) thing. Sign up for charity bike races together and use them to spread the word about what your company stands for.
Larger projects
When you are embarking on a larger project, like setting up a new office or a factory – use it as a way to further your green agenda. Before you start the construction, use the services of geotechnical engineering professionals. Start by evaluating the materials used and the impact they will have on the soil on which you’re building. These companies can also provide waste management and the remediation of the soil damaged during the constriction
Use organic products
Lunchtime is green time. Using locally produced, organic products are good both for the environment and your employees’ health. Always make sure that company lunch is made out of these kinds of products and don’t be shy about promoting the groceries and farmers you buy from (you can put their logo on your site or dedicate one of your blog posts to their work). Depending on how large your company is, you can go beyond this. If you have a lot of space, you can grow your own garden in the company’s backyard. This will take some time and planning, but gardening is a great stress relief technique and it can help with burnout syndrome.
You can also replace plastic products in the company with sustainable products by collaborating with sustainable brands such as Polythene UK who provide a range of polythene products that are 100% recyclable. An additional bonus of going green is substantial cost savings compared to alternative polythene packaging materials
Promote your work
Remember, spreading the word about the importance of eco issues is equally important as changing your habits. This is also the way to advertise your company. Find the way to do both in a subtle way and you will do the right thing both for the planet and yourself.
Going green takes some effort and changing your habits is never easy. Using your business as a driving force for this kind of change will make your company into something more than just a way to earn money. It gives your employees a sense of accomplishment and a mission.
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About the Author
Diana Smith is a full-time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to business and technology. In her free time, she enjoys exploring new low-cost advertising opportunities.
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