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Small businesses owners everywhere are constantly battling with their internet connection.
Wi-Fi drops, slowly loading web pages and even payment processing lag all equate to lost time. The minor frustration in these reoccurring problems is usually not enough to prompt a closer investigation or meeting to discuss changes. Most small business owners are too bogged down with other issues like taxes and staffing to even bother. To put all of this into perspective, downtime due to internet connectivity issues can add up to thousands in lost revenue.
Fiber optic internet or fiber as it is known to some, is the solution to internet connectivity problems. Fiber optic networks utilize light photons to carry signals down a thin, glass cable with a sheathing for protection. Harnessing the speed that light travels at is what gives fiber optic internet such high data transmission rates. The speed of fiber optic internet is what will help that page to load rapidly or to prevent a lineup at your cashier during busy season while payments are processing.
Fiber optic networks are super reliable and have less outages when compared to other types of internet. While failure can happen, it is much less often than other types of communication networks. Have you spent hours on the phone with your current internet service provider? We know that pain too from years gone by, but things are changing now and with the expansion of fiber optic networks worldwide, small business owners can benefit from the increased reliability. Every day, fiber splicing companies are working to connect new areas which were never once thought to be acceptable terrain for network expansion. Even rural areas considered remote are now getting fiber optics with the assistance of dedicated fiber optic splicing workers.
Fiber optic splicing is not for the faint of heart and requires much training, experience and specialized equipment to complete the task. The splicing area must be kept extremely clean and free of particulate to stop any contamination or damage to the cable during or after splicing has taken place.
Urban and rural small business owners will find massive benefits in switching to fiber optic internet and while many have switched already, some do not even know that this option exists. Contacting your internet service provider will get you connected at fast speeds or at the very least promote network expansion into your area. It may be beneficial to look at competing internet service providers in your area to see if any of them have fiber and if they all do, see who has the most attractive offer. The time spent to find fiber at the best price possible will be such a huge saving over the lost time and productivity potentially plaguing your business. While it may make a few small business owners grumble, the peace of mind that fiber optics provide will take away stress and frustration from everyone in the entire organization.
Internet connectivity issues impact all types of business, even large corporations are switching to fiber now after years of lost productivity. As a small business owner this is a viable opportunity to get ahead of the competition. In a world where there are few opportunities to get ahead, a speedy and reliable internet connection will give your business an edge which may be easily forgotten about, but the alternative may take a few years off your life.
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About the Author

Cowboy Splicing LLC is the leading fiber optic cable joining, repair and testing provider in the United States. Formed by Aaron and Allen Gumpenberger with 25 years of experience in the U.S. cable splicing industry, they are highly respected by many major telecommunication companies.
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