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In an uncertain economy, every single dollar counts, especially when you are running a business. For entrepreneurs, the smallest decrease or increase in revenue can greatly impact their company’s profitability.
If you are anything like us, this year left you with an array of questions waiting to be answered, particularly when it comes to effectively navigating through a period of financial crisis.
Am I employing the best possible business practices? Is there anything I can do to generate more revenue? Where can I save some money for my business?
These questions don’t have a universal answer, but their purpose is the same: to cut down business expenses. While you can always lay employees off, move to a smaller office, or resort to significant pay cuts, there are some less invasive methods you can utilize to boost cash flow.
Here are some useful ways to reduce expenses and increase your revenue.
Optimize your resources
A good entrepreneur is always looking for ways to cut down on material costs, optimize their resources, and increase operational efficiency. It takes some time to tackle these aspects but doing so ensures you make the most out of what you got.
One way to generate more revenue is by selling leftover materials that you don’t need anymore. This includes cardboard, metal, plastic, or any other things left around in your warehouse. If selling is not an option, then consider using these leftover materials to create new products.
Consider your office space as well and ensure every room you use has a clear purpose. If there is unused space, consider leasing it to another business or person, depending on the size and needs it satisfies.
Last but not least, set efficiency goals and parameters that reflect these goals, then track your results and adjust what needs to be adjusted.
Make some sustainable changes
Most entrepreneurs get scared when they hear about sustainability, as they often believe making sustainable business changes is going to cost them a small fortune.
While there are some initial costs that you need to consider, making some small changes towards an eco-friendlier business model does not have to drain your financial resources. What’s more, these changes will have a great positive impact on your revenue in the long term.
The easiest change you can make is to switch to LED lights, if you haven’t done it already. LED lights consume much less energy than traditional bulbs and last ten times more. These, plus a smart thermostat that can better handle climate needs in your office, are enough to significantly reduce your energy bills.
Better waste management is yet another method to reduce waste. Consider using balers and compactors to store and manage waste and contact a recycling company to see if they can purchase recyclable waste from you. Check to see the locations they service, and you will surely be able to find a company that suits your needs.
Take a look at your financial expenditures
While we don’t recommend going on without an insurance or financial account, reevaluating your needs and options from time to time can be a good way to save some money.
Start by taking a look at your insurance policy and compare it to other providers. If they offer a more competitive rate, discuss with your current insurance provider, and ask if they can match the price. If they cannot do so, consider switching to a different provider.
If you are considering taking out another business loan, evaluate the benefits and risks very well. Avoid taking on unnecessary debt, especially if you are looking to cut costs, as it can affect your company’s rating and ability to borrow in the future when you would actually need it for better reasons.
Employ better time management strategies
One of the best methods to save money without having to cut down on anything is better time management. In business, time always means money, and you can’t afford to lose any.
Help employees maintain focus by using time management software and minimizing distractions in the office. If you want a clearer idea of how time is spent in your company, consider using software that tracks employee time usage. Tasks can be separated into categories, such as projects, documentation, or meetings so that you get a better perspective of the situation.
Make sure meetings are kept short and that everyone comes on time and wraps up at the time it was agreed upon.
Reevaluate your marketing efforts
One of the biggest mistakes less experienced entrepreneurs make when they need to reduce business costs is cutting the entire marketing budget. Marketing is not something your business can do well without, so instead of setting it aside altogether, consider making some less expensive marketing alternatives.
E-mail marketing, for example, can be very beneficial for businesses and costs close to nothing to implement. Simply build a customer e-mail list and use it to implement a newsletter campaign. If you want to, you can also put together a referral program and offer discounts for customers that recommend you to someone else.
Instead of focusing your marketing efforts on advertising, redirect them towards networking. This method is more likely to bring new customers and can help build authority.
Use technology to your advantage
One way to reduce business costs is to allow employees to work remotely for a few days a week. You can discuss a schedule that everyone can agree upon, such as working three days at home and two in the office or only coming into the office for group tasks and meetings.
Thankful technology works now to our advantage, and it does not cost a fortune to implement it. Platforms such as Google Drive and Dropbox are great for collaborative work, and communication channels are now more varied than ever.
Eliminating the need for that much physical space can help you cut costs significantly, as you no longer need to spend that much on rent or utility bills. It can be a great way for your employees to cut down on some expenses as well, as they won’t have to commute to work every day.
Also read: How can you cut costs without sacrificing productivity and employee morale?
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