A business mechanism needs to work in a smooth way if you want your business to grow and develop into a stark company. Now, we aren't the first ones who have come to such a witty conclusion. The question is how a business owner or manager should organize it to keep all the cogs … [Read more...]
Tune In and Turn Off
Technology gives us the opportunity to be “always on” and the illusion of increased productivity. The reality is that it’s not healthy, and in the long run, you will be less productive. Even understanding this, it can be hard to resist the pressure to quickly check email or … [Read more...]
Trusting and letting go: Benefits of Delegation
As a business owner, I know that you feel you should be 100% involved with all the aspects of your business for it to run efficiently. You have to be aware of all the little details. You feel that you have to be involved in all the decision-making, whether it involves major … [Read more...]
5 Ways Note Taking will Improve Productivity
Take notes as you think of ideas Unless I take notes when I think of an idea I’ll probably forget all about it. By taking just a short note I can always refer back to it later and work on the idea if it has any merit. 5 Ways Note Taking Will Improve … [Read more...]
Is Your Small Business Ready For A Virtual Assistant?
As a small business owner, it can be a struggle to keep on top of essential tasks. Simple but time-consuming jobs would be better handled by an employee, but it can be costly employing new staff. A great way to help your budget stretch further, and still be able to free up … [Read more...]