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When you arise out of your slumber in the morning, the first few moments can really set the tone of the day. By nailing those first minutes you can set a great tone of positivity and productivity, giving you the best possible kick start to the day. You will either have an app or clock that will interrupt your blissful sleep, encouraging you to get the day moving. This will instantly upset your head, filling you with crankiness. The next few steps will turn it all around.
Resist the screen
If our morning alarm is on our phone, we are instantly drawn to flicking through news feeds on social media, or checking our work emails and instantly dread the thought of chasing them up at work later that morning. You do not want to feel like you are being enslaved to technology as soon as you wake up. Save your morning for waking up, the natural kind of way. Disabled notifications on your home screen just for the mornings, so you can spend the time doing real stuff to benefit yourself, like showering, or eating. Then, if you have to travel to work on public transport, you have a treat of looking through your social media then to occupy your time.
Roll out the right way
Okay, so this may sound utterly ridiculous. However, studies have shown there is logic behind the saying “gotten out of the wrong side of the bed”. The best way to sit up out of bed in the mornings is to roll over onto your right side. Once you’ve done this, push yourself up into a sitting position before rising up with a straight back. This gentle way takes pressure off your back area and heart, and an easy ritual to ease you in to every early morning.
Set your goals for the day
When you have got yourself up feeling comfortable, relax and think about what feasible goals you would like to achieve that day. However, remember the key word here is feasible. Limit yourself to three that could include minor goals such as packing your lunch instead of eating out to save some pennies, or scheduling the doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. This will put your mind at ease, filling you with positivity and determination to meet your goals by the end of the day. This will give you the perfect boost of energy that you need in the mornings.
Stretch those limbs
Many people ignore this as a chore, or getting in the way of extra sleep time. However, stretching is very important step in the morning as it helps you feel warmed up and energized. You can even do it from the comfort of your bed! Simply stretch out legs and arms and start feeling raring to go. It’s all about twisting your body for as little or as long as you like to help you start the day the right way.
Music is the answer
Music puts everyone in a good mood. When you’re getting ready, preparing your lunch or driving in to work, pop on your favourite artists to be the soundtrack of your morning. The louder you sing along the better! Singing is a great way of combating early morning crankiness, waking you up and giving a positive spin on your day. Make sure you change up your chosen playlist so that it doesn’t just blend in to the boring morning routine. Even listen to the radio as you’re guaranteed to hear something you haven’t heard before. Music helps boost your creative thought also which will come in handy if you work in a creative environment like a design agency.
About the Author

Pearl is an avid blogger for Cefar Digital Design. Her passion lies in creating engaging content for all level of readers and her desire is to become noticed for her creativity and versatility.