When you prioritize the individuals who choose your business, it becomes easier to retain customers in the long term by maintaining relationships. Putting all your effort into marketing to get new customers puts you at risk of losing commitments after only a few months. Giving … [Read more...]
6 Innovative Ways To Get Your New Small Business Noticed
If you have recently launched a small business venture, you probably already know that the first few months can be critical. During this period, you establish your foothold in your chosen industry and begin to make a name for yourself, acquiring new customers who will … [Read more...]
Top 5 Benefits of Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Among employers' many responsibilities, the most important one is providing their workers with a safe workplace. This means the workspace should be free from serious hazards and comply with the standards, rules, and regulations issued under OSHA. In addition, employers must … [Read more...]
Compliance Recording – What It Is And Why It Matters
We’ve all waited impatiently on the line while a professional-sounding voice explains that ‘this call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes’. While we can all appreciate the training benefits, what is this all about, and how and when is it – and must it, legally – … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Optimise Your Amazon Storefront
Gone are the days when you were only capable of shopping from your local store. Technological advancement allows you to easily shop from many online stores, regardless of location. Also, factors such as pandemics have played a huge role in influencing the acceptance of the … [Read more...]
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