So here are a few simple steps that you can take to make sure that you get paid in full, on time, every time. 1. Do a bit of research If you haven’t worked with the client before, then check them out. Do they come from within your network? Do they seem professional? How … [Read more...]
Restricting Your Business’ Marketing Activity
Mention selling to most people and they can all recount tales of being ‘cold’ called or ‘pressure’ sold. We all probably have experienced the unwelcome attention of someone who wants to make a sale but has forgotten that they’re talking and dealing with an individual. As a … [Read more...]
Setting Up an Electronic Filing System
Whether it’s for work or home, good record keeping is a must. Although you may not necessarily work in a fully paperless environment, setting up an efficient electronic filing system that is easy to maintain, is essential for any type of office. Your electronic filing system … [Read more...]
Are Life Coaches Legit Or Just Hacks Without Real Degrees?
If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you’ll know I try to stay consistent on personal development. Life coaching, rather unexpectedly, has become an important component of that. To be honest, the idea of coaching always came across as some weird, ethereal thing … [Read more...]
Thinking of Podcasting for Your Business?
There’s so much talk about podcasts and podcasting at the moment, and the reason it is seeing a resurgence is because of smartphones. Smartphones give us access to information in real-time, and we can choose how and where we want to consume it. What this means for businesses is … [Read more...]