Many employers and company directors believe that money is one of the biggest influencers when it comes to motivating their staff. They believe that increasing salary or giving employees a bonus that this will make them feel valued. However, they are mistaken as in most … [Read more...]
Indulge Your Need to Launch a Startup
You might have an excellent idea and a great plan for a startup, but you don’t really know where to begin. While coming up with a concept and securing funding is certainly the crucial building blocks for any success story in the startup world, there are also many smaller things … [Read more...]
9 Tips to Boost Employee Engagement – An Infographic
Businesses with engaged employees are the one that performs better. They feel motivated and appreciated, which results in productivity in the workplace. Check out the infographic below that shared tips to boost employee engagement. This infographic was created by Casemore … [Read more...]
6 Reasons Small Business and Smartphones Go Hand and Hand
The digital world is always changing, and right now #mobileapps is what is trending. In fact, 90% of consumers’ mobile time is spent using apps. The reason—people today are always on the go, and apps are fast and easy to access. To a small business owner, this means that your … [Read more...]
Marketing, Motivation And Mindset: Three ‘Ms’ Every Business Needs To Work On And How To Achieve Them Effectively
Marketing, motivation, and mindset - three essential components of the cutthroat corporate world. Being fuelled with motivation helps achieve a positive mindset. While a solid marketing strategy can help nurture company growth, which also has a knock-on effect on firing … [Read more...]