The arsenal of digital marketing tactics would not be complete without one critically important part - the Search Engine Optimization - or commonly known as SEO. For more than two decades, SEO has become an integral part of digital marketing and is known to be the most effective … [Read more...]
How Health Impacts Productivity
The link between health and productivity gives employers the power to get more out of workers by helping them be as healthy as possible. Encouraging physical activity around the office, supplying healthy snacks, and hosting company lunches with healthy options are all practices … [Read more...]
How to Drive Customers Using Social Media
Today, social media is the king of digital media. There are loads of interesting apps, which will assist you to use social media for driving more customers. It is a convenient way of attracting new customers, for certain businesses, which are venturing into new marketing methods. … [Read more...]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing
To outsource or not to outsource; that is the question small business owners are facing in modern-day business operation. Alternative service providers are on the rise, and their growing popularity has shifted outsourcing from marginalised alternative to a viable option for many … [Read more...]
A Guide to Employee Recognition
Employees are a company’s most valuable asset and should be recognized for all the work they do for a company. Motivating them to go above and beyond is extremely important for a successful business, and recognizing employees is a great way to increase productivity and improve … [Read more...]