Each year, we purchase a whopping 80 billion pieces of clothing which have shown a 400% upsurge in the last two decades. With the news reporting more and more problems for our planet, it is no surprise that we’re over-consuming as a society. Creating these garments takes a lot of … [Read more...]
How to Make the Perfect Company Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide
Your company profile should be a comprehensive overview of what you're all about. It should be inviting, engaging, and informative. People should finish reading it feeling satisfied with their knowledge of what you do. This article will serve as your step to … [Read more...]
How to List Benefit Deductions on an Employee Pay Statement
When employees receive their pay stub, they can check that the hours they have worked and the rate of pay is correct. Paystubs also show deductions for various benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, union dues and retirement fund contributions. These deductions may … [Read more...]
The Worn-Out Debate on the Importance of IQ vs. EQ
The long-standing debate on IQ vs EQ first appeared in psychologist Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence. He suggested that EQ might be more significant in terms of emotional and psychological capacity because the criteria dwell between aspects of human intelligence. … [Read more...]
Your Shipping Habits Are Wasting Money
These days, almost all businesses require shipping services for one reason or another. Most businesses are shipping their goods to customers and clients or else from manufacturers to retailers; other businesses deal with shipping necessary supplies and equipment. Shipping is … [Read more...]