If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you’ll know I try to stay consistent on personal development. Life coaching, rather unexpectedly, has become an important component of that. To be honest, the idea of coaching always came across as some weird, ethereal thing … [Read more...]
Thinking of Podcasting for Your Business?
There’s so much talk about podcasts and podcasting at the moment, and the reason it is seeing a resurgence is because of smartphones. Smartphones give us access to information in real-time, and we can choose how and where we want to consume it. What this means for businesses is … [Read more...]
Frustration? You are welcome!
“When experiencing frustration, you can let frustration lead you or you can lead frustration to support you in what you want to get.” My inner voice. It is a dark, cold Friday night of February. The living rooms of the small houses surrounding me were enlightened by the … [Read more...]
Lessons from the Inca Trail
When I signed up to do the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru for charity, I knew it would be demanding, but nothing prepared me for the experience that I went through and the extremes of undertaking the challenge. Despite doing a lot of training and feeling pretty fit when I … [Read more...]
How to Know Which Tasks to Outsource for Your Business
Outsourcing can be extremely beneficial for small businesses from the very beginning. Owning and operating your own small business takes a large amount of focus, and there’s no room for distractions. Focusing on small tasks like bookkeeping, social media management and web design … [Read more...]