Image source: Freepik The internet marketing world of today revolves around having your website placed not only on the first page of the search results but in the first couple of results. Better website rankings lead to an increase in traffic, lead conversion, and ultimately, … [Read more...]
Creating a More Effective Hiring Process
The single biggest mistake organizations make in acquiring talent is believing that the burden of proof is on the candidates. What they don’t understand is that the process through which the candidates are screened and evaluated is crucial to finding and hiring the right person … [Read more...]
The Five Keys to Running a Successful Business Event
Event planning is one task that can turn the most outrageous individual into a timid ball of nerves. But don’t worry if you are assigned the task of planning the next big event for your company. Be it an award banquet, an open house or a holiday party, these tips will help you to … [Read more...]
Effective Communication For Small Businesses
In the corporate scenario, communication problems represent a good percentage of the reasons that cause customer loss and even crucial errors in project execution. Improving the communication between matrix and subsidiaries should be a concern of managers of companies of all … [Read more...]
How “Fileless” Ransomware Works
As ransomware becomes an increasingly lucrative business, organized crime groups are expanding their operations to reach more victims and extract more ransoms. According to the FBI, ransomware costs are now $ 1 billion/year just for payments, not including remediation … [Read more...]