In this highly competitive world, you should always look to lessen your expenses to have better revenue margins. Therefore, every manager is always on a fact-finding mission, to find out ways in which to minimize the operating costs of running a business. Here are five ways to … [Read more...]
DBS Checks for Small Businesses – What You Need to Know
Awareness of cyber attacks and digital fraud is on the rise and now, more than ever, small businesses are taking precautions to reduce their risk of security threats. The 2015 Kroll Global Fraud Report found that, in comparison to other nationalities who took part in the report, … [Read more...]
A Guide to Creating Compelling and Engaging Social Media Posts – Infographic
Social media may seem simple, but when it comes to doing business-related stuff on such a platform, things are completely different. You probably often post on Facebook and Twitter and not stress over what you’ve written on your timeline. A business, however, cannot do this. … [Read more...]
10 Warning Signs of Unhappy Employees
Have you ever had a co-worker who’s always the last one to come into work but the first one to leave? That may not be an issue if it’s just a one-time thing, but if it’s habitual, then it can be a glaring sign that your place of work may be causing too much stress and … [Read more...]
Why Marketers Need to Pay Attention to Cryptocurrency
This article contains affiliate links. For more info, see disclosure. Despite their relatively recent appearance, cryptocurrency is already impacting multiple industries. And as the experts are trying to understand the risks and benefits involved, many people still see … [Read more...]