There’s a lot of time and effort to put into starting a business. It’s going to take up the bulk of your time, even when you’re well into the years with running it! So you need to have a city surrounding you that’s going to recognise you for your hard work and pay you back … [Read more...]
Three Inexpensive Digital Marketing Ideas That Will Save Your Failing Business
When your business is trying so hard to stay afloat yet the battle seems insurmountable, you’ll either want to close it for good or revive it. Forget about the first option for a moment and let’s focus on the second one: saving your failing business. Starting a business and … [Read more...]
Training Courses That You Can Provide Your Staff This Year
As a boss, you always want the best for the people who work for you. If you are a business owner and you have hired a team to help you make your dream come true, you have to think about thanking the staff who have chosen to help you on your journey. One of the ways you can give … [Read more...]
How to Know When it’s Time to Adopt an ERP System
Introduction Making a strong business case for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system may seem hard. The reality, however, is that once an organization reaches a certain level, the reasons become self-evident. ERP is a category of enterprise software that provides … [Read more...]
Work Perks That Your Millennial Employees Will Appreciate
By the year 2020, millennials will make up around 50% of the global workforce, which is why in order for a business to attract and retain key talent from this group, you must know exactly what makes them tick. What motivates this group of people is very different from the … [Read more...]