It’s no surprise that, due to the ever-growing intensity between businesses competing to be the next Instagram big shot, now the likes of national holidays, events, and other festivities are being used to vie for success. National days can be a great way of boosting a business … [Read more...]
10 Tips for Digital Marketing
Image source: Digital marketing and social networks are changing the way of physical business and marketing in all areas and industries. This also affects the food areas and restaurants. So you can make an online marketing plan for your restaurant quite easily. It … [Read more...]
Understanding the Best Ways to Identify Customer Pain Points and Improve Customer Experience
The most successful business is the one that understands customer pain points and solves them adequately. Once you identify the customer pain points, proceed to create a brand strategy and management that revolves around addressing them. The different customer pain … [Read more...]
How to Improve the Conversion Rate for Your eCommerce Store
Improving the conversion rate of your eCommerce store is one of the most effective ways to increase your sales without investing in growing your traffic. With the average conversion rate being between 2-3% for eCommerce stores, there doesn’t appear to be much room for … [Read more...]
The Impacts and Costs of Presenteeism
While many people in business might have heard of absenteeism, its counterpart presenteeism is perhaps becoming a bigger issue when it comes to employee productivity. Presenteeism might seem like a positive action – ‘the practice of being present at the place of work for more … [Read more...]