The modern world is increasingly being driven by data and technology, and nowhere is that more prevalent than in the business sector. Companies mine and collect masses of data on a daily basis – information that is then stored and used to shape key decisions that will affect the … [Read more...]
How Do SBA Loans Work (and What You Need to Get One)
If you are a small business owner, you should know the government can help you get a small-business loan. The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) offers various types of SBA loans. You can seek to apply for an SBA loan if you are planning to expand your … [Read more...]
How to Watch The U.S. Version of Netflix Abroad With a VPN
In a world of web streaming, Netflix is one of the leading streaming services. Netflix provides content on different genres. It can attract people of different tastes to join in their service. Their content is limited, though. However, the storage varies according to GEOs. If you … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Fight LSAT Stress
When the invigilator calls out "five minutes left," the last thing you want is your anxiety kicking in. Stress might be your worst enemy when it comes to test prep. It can make even the most simple questions look confusing, make solid five minutes rush to five seconds, and block … [Read more...]
Using Risk Management When Planning Your Small Business
It’s no secret that 90% of startups fail. Among the main reasons for this high failure rate is the poor risk management practices implemented by leaders. For your startup to succeed, you need to know how to balance risks and profitability. While you might want to keep risks at … [Read more...]