If you’ve worked for a company that had a brick and mortar location or office, most likely they kept a small amount of cash on hand. A petty cash fund lets you easily and quickly pay for those small expenses that aren’t worth cutting a check for, or when an employee doesn’t want … [Read more...]
What is Solar Energy?
Solar is fronted as a clean, green, safe, and inexpensive source of energy to power the world in the future. Nothing illustrates the increased uptake of solar energy in Malaysia than the realization that it has grown from one megawatt in 2009 to 882 megawatts in 2019. Such a leap … [Read more...]
The Collective Side Effects of COVID-19 – An Analysis
Akin to its century-old predecessor, the Spanish Flu, the COVID-19 Pandemic has brought to light some of the direst medical and social fallacies of our contemporary society. While life has adapted to what we now perceive as ‘the new normal’, the rippling impact of such an … [Read more...]
What makes React Native future-ready?
You have made a critical decision towards the growth and success of your business if you have decided to develop a mobile application. There are several reasons why this is such a big step. It has become imperative for companies to interact with customers. This is how they can … [Read more...]
Top 5 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant over a PA
The world has officially gone virtual. With this shift into the unknown, entrepreneurs and business owners have had to change their ways of working. Many have had to wake up to the fact that investing in a permanent Personal Assistant may no longer be practical. So, what’s the … [Read more...]