Everything You Should Know About a Merchant Account Simply speaking, the function of a merchant account is to allow customers to use debit and credit payments. Most of them want you to accept this, that's why you should be aware of merchant account peculiarities before you … [Read more...]
Top Video Interview Tips 2021
In 2020 video interviews have become the new face of recruitment, and undoubtedly will be a growing trend for 2021 - but how do video interviews hold up when compared to traditional face-to-face sessions? According to researchers from Missouri University of Science and … [Read more...]
How Manufacturing Industry Can Stay A Step Of Workplace Hazards
Workplace hazards are a prime concern for the manufacturing industry because it is an accident-prone domain. Most industries use complex machinery and dangerous chemicals, while the processes are complex, and human error is probable. Managers and owners need to curb accidents … [Read more...]
How Companies Can Embrace Sustainability and Attract Employees
Source: Pexels.com In life, change is inevitable. The same goes for the business world. The structure of the workforce is rapidly changing. Positions once held by Baby Boomers are now being filled by Generation Z and Millennials. While change can be good for the business, it … [Read more...]
Five Side-Hustle Jobs That Can Help You Earn Extra Bucks
With the financial setbacks 2020 has put most of us in, and the not-so-positive start to 2021, keeping a back-up plan is a sensible thing to do. And whether your job is stable or you aren’t sure if you will have a job or not in the coming months, there’s never been a better time … [Read more...]