Do you wonder whether you should hire a coach for your small business or not? You might have come across studies that shed light on the fact that successful people have mentors, coaches, and helpers. But, the real question arises with the truth as to how do you find an advisor … [Read more...]
What To Know When You’re Buying a House
Buying a home can be an exciting adventure. For some people, the excitement of owning a new home can cause them to forget to pay attention to the little details that will matter down the road. On top of knowing the basics about any new home you're interested in, it's important to … [Read more...]
Why It’s a Good Idea To Start Your Own Church
Ever since the founding of the United States, churches have been a powerful force for good. Faith is an integral part of society, and it's doubtful whether humanity itself could survive without it. Even nonbelievers have been known to have moments where they needed to connect … [Read more...]
3 Things To Consider When Picking a Crane Hire Service for Commercial Projects
If you have a commercial building and a project that demands some heavy lifting, you have probably thought about hiring a crane. This is usually a much better decision than buying one unless it’s an integral part of your operation. Even construction contractors will often decide … [Read more...]
PCI DSS Compliance: 12 Requirements
An integral component of any business is the security of client’s sensitive data spoken and recorded over the phone. Fortunately, you don’t need in-depth cybersecurity knowledge to protect call recording data. Securing your call recordings and removing the portions of … [Read more...]