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So you want to open a new office, and it’s going to be the beginning of a new era for your business. Before you do that, though, there is a number of questions that you must ask yourself first. The fact about office environments is that they have evolved and require that you put some thought into the design. The focus is mostly on flexibility. Some companies decide not to go for individual cubicles, but an open workspace where everyone can choose where they want to work, for example. Here are 7 questions that you have to ask yourself before you open a new office.
How do I provide privacy for those who need it?
The idea of open office design works quite well. However, you still need to think about the people that need some privacy to work on their tasks, or just talk to someone in private. It’s a fact that a lot of people need their own space so that they can focus on what they are doing. Therefore, it is necessary for you to provide both open spaces for teamwork and private spaces for individual work. Make sure that you design some rooms in a way that there are no distractions for the people who work there.
How can I make my offices flexible?
As a business that has just decided to open an office, you certainly don’t have the money to spend on reconstruction whenever it’s necessary. Therefore, you need to make your office space flexible. Install areas where your workers can simply plug in their laptops and get down to work. Get tables and desks that have rollers, so that it’s easy to move them and change the space right away. Make use of dividers to make your conference rooms as big as necessary. Have a double use for private offices, so that they can work as assemblage rooms for team meetings.
How do I create a welcoming reception area?
The place where people develop a first impression of your business is certainly the reception area. Therefore, it is essential that you make it welcoming and comfortable. Choose the right paint for furniture pieces and walls. Darker colors represent professionalism and seriousness, while lighter colors represent vibrance and creativity. If you have windows, make sure that there is enough natural light coming in. Artificial lights should be soft and indirect. If your reception area is big, make sure that there are comfortable spots where people can go. Finally, encourage your employees to be as friendly as possible to your clients.
How do I want my employees to behave?
In order to encourage certain behavior in your employees, you need to implement particular elements into your office design. Do you want people from various departments to come together in order to communicate? Have a coffee bar that is centralized, so that they have a chance to spend some time together there. Is recycling something that you want to instil into your workers? Install recycling stations all over your office space, so that it’s easily accessible, and contains the necessary instructions. Furthermore, you are the person that sets an example for your employees, so the way you behave will reflect on them as well. Show that you care about your business and workers, and they will follow.
How do I make sure that my employees are comfortable?
You want to make sure that your offices have a place where people can come together and relax. Usually, the best idea is to have a café for that purpose. If you have the budget, you can invest in massage therapy centers, and fitness and wellness rooms. Socializing is important, as well as having a place where one can rest or do some exercise. Furthermore, according to office cleaning Sydney based professionals, it is essential that your offices are clean and tidy, for your employees to work in proper conditions where they can feel comfortable and truly be efficient.
How much space is necessary for my office?
Before the whole evolution of the workspace, design plans generally included about 250 square feet for each employee, which consists out of their separate workspace, a desk where the computer can be placed, and personal items such as photographs. Today, 150 square feet should be just enough. Photographs are on the laptop which can be moved anywhere. This means that your employee can work from wherever he needs to. Furthermore, many businesses today allow employees to work from home. This means that the office space tends to be half full more often than not. The fact is that you shouldn’t invest in more space than it is really necessary.
How do I “go green” with my office space?
Sustainability is an important factor for offices today. You should focus on various aspects, including electric, mechanical, lighting, and recyclable materials. At this point, many of these decisions won’t actually add any cost. For example, you can go for lights that automatically go dull when natural light comes inside. Doing this is bound to decrease your energy bills. Furthermore, you can make use of wood from sustainable forests and carpets out of recycled material.
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In summation
When opening a new office, there are questions that need to be answered in order to get things right. Today’s open office environments require a whole new mindset. Think about these 7 questions before you get down to designing the office space.
About the Author
Aside from primary area of interest and expertise in business consulting at, Ian could be tagged also as a passionate sports fan, nature and photography enthusiast, always trying to keep up to date with tech innovations and development.