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Reports of an unprecedented increase in the number of sexual harassment cases show how low we have stooped in terms of our morals and conduct. Sexual harassment is the trait of a diseased society, and therefore, we must make sure that we eliminate this sickness from our social fabric for good. Workplaces are one of the most prime playgrounds for sexual harassers, especially when they are senior professionals and find themselves in a position to exert power and discriminate based on caste, sex, color, or creed.
According to various studies, around ninety percent of sexual harassment incidents in the workplace are never reported. But, with the recent movements like Me Too, more and more women are joining the brigade, and it can be hoped that these statistics will improve. We have discussed here five useful tips that you can utilize if you are sexually harassed in your workplace and everyone should always remember they can be self-efficient to deal with such situations by opting for the right sexual harassment prevention training in California or your local area, to tackle any injustice at the office.
1. Utilize All The Resources:
You must consult your company’s literature immediately to check out its policies regarding such incidents. Check if your incident qualifies to be as something actionable because a few harsh remarks from the employer to the harasser may not do you any good.
You must also check out the sexual harassment laws prevalent in the area your company is operating. One good idea would be to hire a competent local lawyer like a New Haven, CT workplace sexual harassment attorney because they will evaluate the situation in the legal light and will give you a reliable piece of advice.
2. Jot Down The Details:
Jot down all the details of the incident as soon as possible so that there aren’t any loopholes in your story. Include the details like time and place of the incident, the verbal exchange between the two parties, and the people who witnessed the incident. Doing it will go a long way in validating your case.
3. Report It:
After you have done a bit of your homework and have understood what the company’s bylaws say about your situation, report the incident to your supervisor or to human resources to get the ball rolling. Do not communicate it verbally, and instead, follow the company’s documented procedure such that no procedural detail is missed. Moreover, keep a copy of the complaint with you for future reference because the person in charge of dealing with such cases may not be a very reasonable professional.
4. Coordinate With Your Colleagues:
Conventional wisdom states that if a person has sexually harassed you, he must have done it to someone else as well. Therefore, coordinate with your colleagues and ask them if they have ever experienced any similar incidents. If you happen to bring some people on record, it would considerably consolidate your case, because it will show a behavioral pattern of the culprit that he is a compulsive harasser.
Moreover, your colleagues will also come in handy if some of them were around when the incident happened. Therefore, try to bring them on board, which can be incredibly hard as no one would want to speak against a senior colleague.
5. Keep Up The Excellent Work:
Do not let the harassment throw you off from your routine work and keep doing your job in the best possible manner. You must be careful because, in such cases, the first thing that supervisors do is that they will try to show that the employee is negligent and careless in performing her duties. Therefore, do not give the harasser any extra ammo to fire by not doing your tasks diligently.
You must understand that staying silent is never the solution, and once you find out that the law is on your side, go all out to protect your dignity; otherwise, such incidents will eat you up from inside if not appropriately addressed.
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