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Successful management for small business owners is about identifying the right things to do, building a team, and then pulling them together to accomplish those things. When done well, the whole enterprise and your life appear to be running smoothly and effortlessly. When done poorly, or not at all, you find yourself in a never-ending whirlwind of unfinished projects and missed opportunities, feeling like there’s too much to do and not enough time.
This collection of small business management books will help you to focus, leverage and manage all of the tasks, teams and personalities that are a part of your business and your life. We’ve included the publication date and the Twitter handles of each author, too:

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
by Daniel Goleman (@DanielGolemanEI)
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman
Psychologist, journalist and author of “Emotional Intelligence” Daniel Goleman is giving small business owners more brain food with “Focus.”
This book is all about “attention” in all its many forms and how building your attention-ability will drive excellence.
Goleman says that the ability to focus is much like a muscle. And in a world filled with distractions, this is a skill worth developing. Focus is filled with case studies and science that is not only intriguing but informative and entertaining.

The 80/20 Manager: The Secret to Working Less and Achieving More
by Richard Koch (@RichardKoch8020)
80 – 20 Manager by Richard Koch
With so many shiny new objects vying for our attention, this book aims to give you new strategies to leverage the old 80/20 rule or Pareto principle.
The Pareto principle says that 80% of the effects (or benefits or results) come from 20% of the causes (or actions). And Koch applies it to management.
If you already know you want to simplify, but don’t know where to begin, “The 80/20 Manager” has some ideas for you. In fact, it has ten ways or strategies that you can use to help you leverage your time and resources. You don’t have to do them all, just pick the ones that will work best for your situation.

Play at Work: How Games Inspire Breakthrough Thinking
by Adam L. Penenberg (@Penenberg)
Play at Work by Adam Penenberg
Have you heard the word “gamification” yet? Even if you haven’t heard the word, you have certainly experienced it.
Gamification is the idea of using play to accomplish work tasks. If you’re a member of a frequent shopper program, that is a form of gamification.
Adam Penenberg, investigative journalist and author of “Viral Loop,” explores the power of using play to accomplish work tasks in his latest book. Penenberg shares stories, case studies and features a variety of businesses explaining how they use game inspired strategies.

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life
by Scott Adams (@Dilbert_Daily)
How to Fail by Scott Adams
Dilbert fans rejoice! Scott Adams, the cartoonist who pokes fun at the workplace and managers, is lending his unique perspective on the world of work to this book.
If you secretly resent all those “made it big” books about people who seem to succeed in life while you fail and flail around — this is the book for you.
Adams shares all of his downfalls and failures (which are many and kind of funny) and explores his unlikely success. It turns out that Adams had a long list of small business failures before making it big. A great read for when you’re feeling down and out but still kind of hopeful.

The Gen Y Handbook: Applying Relationship Leadership to Engage Millennials
by Diane Spiegel (@Diane_E_Spiegel)
Gen Y Handbook by Diane Spiegel
Did you know that there are now four generations working together in many businesses?
With that many different viewpoints on life, you are going to need a communications manual and this is it. Any manager of a multi-generational workforce will want to use this book as a reference. Inside you’ll find helpful tips on how to manage and motivate Gen Ys (also known as Millennials).
Some people object to making generalities about an entire generation. But look at it this way: the goal is not to stereotype millions of people just based on the year when born. Instead, it’s to understand the cultural forces that shape the way many of them think and act. And that’s important information to know, as a manager.

Bankable Leadership: Happy People, Bottom-Line Results, and the Power to Deliver Both
by Tasha Eurich (@tashaeurich)
Bankable Leadership book
Today’s work environment increasingly uses teams, and motivated teams are key.
Whether you’re in a multinational organization or solopreneur with a virtual team, you’ve probably struggled with the balance of getting results from your team, while maintaining a fun and enjoyable work environment.
Bankable Leadership contains a variety of tools that include online assessments and case studies. These will help you take a no-fear approach to leading your team. Whether you’re a new manager or a seasoned one, these tools can make a difference in a small business.

You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done
by Liane Davey (@LianeDavey)
You First by Liane Davey
We talk about the rugged individualism of entrepreneurship, but the truth is that not much gets done these days that doesn’t involve working with or being part of a team. Even if you are a solo entrepreneur, chances are you hire some independent contractors and service providers.
So what is it that makes some teams stellar performers and others implode or explode and die?
This book by Liane Davey gives you the updated building blocks of running and being part of a high-performing work team. You’ll learn how to start your projects with positive assumptions and get practical advice on the most effective language to use to move your team forward.

Remote: Office Not Required
by Jason Fried (@jasonfried) and David Heinemeier Hansson (@DHH)
Remote Office book
What started as a “radical” concept of flex time and working from home is quickly turning into the norm.
Fried and Hansson (trendsetting thinkers and founders of software firm 37 Signals) set out to show the many benefits of moving work to the worker instead of the worker to the office.
While this isn’t an option for many businesses, it might be a profit-boosting strategy for your business. Their research shows that 60% of working moms would love this option and that there are many benefits including the ability to work across and service a variety of time zones.

Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
by Todd Henry (@ToddHenry)
Die Empty by Todd Henry
If you spend your days in a flurry of activity, yet go to bed feeling like you wasted your day, this is the book for you.
Todd Henry helps you take on the mindset and the urgency to make each day and each minute matter. Henry explores what it means to “Die Empty” — it DOESN’T mean working yourself to death or following every whim.
The book is a deep exploration of finding the unique contribution that only YOU can bring to the world and then leveraging every minute to see it through.

Finding the Next Steve Jobs: How to Find, Keep, and Nurture Talent
by Nolan Bushnell, and Gene Stone
Finding Next Steve Jobs
You may not know the name Nolan Bushnell, but you know Atari and Chuck E. Cheese, two of the companies he founded.
This is the ideal book for small business owners looking to get the best from themselves and to recognize and nurture great talent inside their organizations. It’s one of the best small business management books about recruiting, hiring and growing a team.
The book contains a checklist of best practices that you can use to either hire great employees or build a great team.
The article book cover and author images were re-syndicated from the website of Small Business Trends with the original article located here:
If you want to know more about starting a small business, you can find relevant information at
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About the Author

Ivana Taylor is the publisher of DIYMarketers , where she shares daily do-it-yourself marketing tips, and is the President of Third Force, Inc., a marketing firm that specializes in getting your ideal customer to choose you. Ivana is the book editor for Small Business Trends and co-author of the book “Excel for Marketing Managers.”