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Vue.js is a relatively new framework that is based on JavaScript. Besides being something innovative, this progressive framework helps developers with the creation of SPAs (Single Page Applications) as well as those that are rendered from the server-side with Node.js at the backend.
You may say that React does the same things so there is no reason to switch from the comfortable and familiar framework to something new and unknown. Read more and learn why vue.js development company OTAKOYI decided to use this technology.

Lessons from Angular and React
At first glance, Vue.js resembles React. It is due to the shared features like virtual DOM. In fact, Vue.js was created taking into account the experience of React and Angular. Vue inherited a component-based approach, virtual rendering, and performance from React. As far as Angular is concerned, Vue adopted thoughtful templates as well as two-way binding. Thus, this framework took the best features of its predecessors.
The Legacy of AngularJS
The creator of Vue.js, Evan You, had a lot of experience with Angular during the time of work in Google. He decided that it is possible to create a framework that would contain all the most necessary features of Angular and exclude all the redundancies. Such an approach would result in a lightweight and convenient framework. The efforts of Evan You resulted in the creation of Vue.js.
The syntax of the newly-created framework resembled AngularJS. By the way, Angular inspired a lot of other JavaScript frameworks. However, in the case of Evan You, his framework is a sort of a new and improved version of AngularJS.
Differences between Angular and Vue
In general, Vue.js is the light version of Angular that does not include unnecessary elements, which facilitates the work with it. However, here are the specifics of the differences between the two.
As far as design and API are concerned, it is much easier to work with Vue. In particular, one can build a primitive app in a day. With Angular, you cannot achieve the same results.
Angular imposes a strict structure on an app while Vue is more flexible and versatile. With Vue, you do not have to repeat the parts of the code as well as you do not have to start coding from scratch. You can simply use a web-pack template and it will not prevent you from using such features as hot reload, CSS extraction, and others.
Due to the fact that Angular constantly checks your app, it slows down the development process. Besides, it is very annoying. Vue.js does not force these checks without any sacrifices. Instead, Vue presumes asynchronized queueing that does not slow down the overall process.
Components and Directives
In Angular, directives are the elements that contain components. Unlike Angular, Vue separates these two. Directives contain DOM while components are independent elements with their own logic.
Vue.js and ReactJS
These two also share a lot of similarities. Let us look through the most important ones.
Because of the tracking of the dependencies of the components, while rendering, Vue always knows what needs to be rerendered when it is necessary.
Templates and JSX
In order to implement the UI, React uses JSX, which resembles XML. However, Vue uses templates that are much more simple than JSX. Moreover, you can still use JSX or render functions, but templates are more convenient.
Styling and CSS
React uses JavaScript solutions to access CSS while in Vue, there is a more simple user-friendly way to do it. For this purpose, Vue.js uses tags in single-file components. This means that to access CSS, you use the remains of the code in the file.
Some Details about Vue.js
Development of the interactive web UI is one of the central tasks of Vue.js. With the help of Vue, you can build a highly-functional SPA with a strong emphasis on the view layer. For this purpose, Vue.js uses JavaScript ES5 or ES6 in combination with the Laravel library.

Virtual DOM
Virtual DOM is represented as JavaScript data structures. This technology is a sort of a copy of the usual DOM, and it reacts to every change made while real DOM stays unchanged. As a result, the real DOM receives only final changes. All in all, this simplifies the updates and the development process.
Data Binding
This technology helps to influence HTML, work with styles and classes.
Transitions and Animations
The components of Vue.js include the ones that are responsible for the transition effects. Moreover, it is possible to easily add animation libraries. Altogether, these instruments help to provide the user with more interaction and improve the experience.
The templates unite the DOM with the instance data of Vue.js. The templates of Vue are compiled into the virtual DOM.
Computed Properties
This peculiarity of Vue tracks the changes in the UI and calculates. As a result, you do not have to code for this purpose.
Together with Methods and Computed Properties, Watchers the instruments that make Vue.js reactive. They are applied to the pieces of data that may change. Watchers regulate the data changes, which facilitates and accelerates the coding process.
The Main Drawback
Despite the fact that Vue.js is better than most JS frameworks, it lacks in development speed.
First of all, its team is smaller than the teams that develop and support other JS frameworks. For instance, React.js is supported by Facebook, which makes it easier to update this piece of software.
Secondly, to work with a programming language or framework, you need a community. These like-minded people can help you solve particular problems as well as they always upload ready-made solutions to popular problems. The problem with Vue is the language barrier because most of its community are people from China.
To sum up, Vue.js is the instrument you will like in your work. It is quick, convenient, and user-friendly. Indeed, it has some drawbacks that are associated with the lack of framework developers as well as the language barrier with the community, but if you have the possibility to hire Vue developers, you will have your app shortly, and it will be of a good quality.
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