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Have you ever calculated your net worth? The calculation process is straightforward as long as you know your assets and liabilities.
The result you obtain is actually an overview of your financial situation and financial security. It will help you figure out whether you are doing well or you need some assistance in reducing your debt.
By looking at the average net worth in the USA, you can compare your financial position against other individuals of the same age, education, or ethnicity.
This is everything you need to know about it.
How to do calculations?
The simplest way of calculating net worth is by taking the entire value of your assets and subtracting your liabilities. Hence, the basic formula to follow is assets minus liabilities. If the value of your assets is greater than your debts, then you have a positive net worth. Conversely, if your liabilities exceed the value of your assets, this amount is negative. Find out more about the types of assets and how they work.
It’s important for individuals to understand the difference between assets and liabilities. The former includes cash from savings, checking, and retirement accounts, autos, real estate, and investments that can be translated into cash. In contrast, the latter includes consumer debt, student loans, personal loans, auto loans, mortgages, etc.
Tangible vs. intangible assets
This calculation can, however, become complicated by including additional factors like patents, intellectual property, and copyrights, which are considered intangible. Net worth comprises all of your assets, whereas the tangible variant eliminates those that can’t be touched. Tangible assets include everything a person owns that can be transferred into cash, like property, cryptocurrency, equity holdings, and belongings like vehicles, boats, jewelry, and furniture.
Intangible assets are found on the other end of the spectrum, like trademarks, copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property. Although these cannot be touched, they are valuable. Hence, the formula for determining tangible net worth is subtracting your total liabilities and intangible assets from your total holdings.

The process for calculating this sum consists of multiple steps, starting with getting your investment statements in order. Check out this URL,, for information on the average net worth of Americans by age, education, and ethnicity. After taking care of your investment statements, you should calculate the value of each liquid asset, including cash, savings accounts, deposit certificates, treasury bills, etc.
The following step is to determine your investments by finding the market value of your retirement plan, pension, life insurance, brokerage accounts, mutual funds, and bonds. You should also define your real estate and personal property, such as houses/apartments, land, boats, collectibles, and jewelry.
Average net worth in the USA
A person’s net worth is determined by multiple factors like education, age, ethnicity, race, and family. By looking at the average value, you can compare your financial status to other people of similar backgrounds and ages. For instance, the average net worth of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 is $1,215,920. The average of Americans with a college degree is $1,516,910.
When taking family structure as a factor, the average net worth of couples with children is $879,210, whereas for single people with children is much lower, $284,620. The average by ethnicity and race is $980,550 for white, non-Hispanic people, whereas $165,540 for Hispanic people. With a net worth of $5 million as of 2022, Ben Crump’s wealth far exceeds this average. You can read more about how he made his millions in this article by Wealthendipity.
How to increase it?
While it’s normal for one’s net worth to vary, every person can increase it routinely. The first step is to pay off your debts or keep them to a minimum. You should watch your expenses by spending less money when possible. By taking control of your spending habits, you will be provided with more money for wise investments.
Although many individuals think of saving as keeping money in the bank, it isn’t necessarily so. By investing money in opportunities, your future income is likely to grow. You should aim for portfolio diversification by including stocks, property, cryptocurrency, gold, and other precious metals in it. Additionally, do your best to invest in retirement contributions, which are known to reduce your taxable income.
The bottom line
We hope all the information proves useful in your calculations and efforts for income improvement!
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