Five Steps To Improve Data Security and Prevent Risks Data security is an important aspect of any business, especially for those that provide services to clients. For law firms that handle highly sensitive and privileged information about their clients on a daily basis, the … [Read more...]
5 Easy Things you can do NOW to make your Business Safer from Hackers
1. Enable Windows updates Windows updates are regular security updates released by Microsoft each month. They are designed to 'plug' any security holes in the operating system that hackers and malware can exploit to gain access to your data or even take control of your … [Read more...]
How to choose a secure password……and one you will remember
We’ve all been there, on line trying to make a purchase, obtain information or login to email and asked to create an account/update password before you are able to go any further. No problem until it asks you to create a password! We all need to do our bit to reduce cybercrime … [Read more...]
Social Media Security Threats – Infographic
In terms of scale, volume and method, online attacks are only getting bigger and badder. Enterprises find themselves facing off against brand new attack vectors, with social media being the most daunting. Reports now show attackers exploiting the virality and trustworthy nature … [Read more...]
Defend Your Business from Hackers
Cybercrime is at epidemic proportions. Businesses like Sony, JP Morgan, Home Depot, even NASDAQ have been devastated by hacking attacks that have left them scrambling to recover. These are giants in the business world that were once thought indestructible. It may have been this … [Read more...]