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Testing is a necessary process in all software development life cycles. The outcome will reflect success or failure depending on the repercussions of the errors and the action done to fix them. The need for thorough testing and the detailed documentation for software development comes in because of the following reasons:
- To identifyany coding errors.
- To lower the risk for a defect in the system.
- To boost software quality.
Thorough testing of a product, including all its features, ensures early detection of any problem that may arise before its public release. These results are achieved by QA services by Codoid which is a leading software testing company. Any presence of errors and bugs can lead to system failure. Necessary testing strategies for each test level plus the appropriate level of expertise will lower the risk of testing failure.
The Smarter Approach to Testing
The best solution to prevent product failure is to have a smarter approach to simplify the testing process. While preparation is still the best, testers should practice a strategic approach to ensure that all areas of the product are covered during the testing process.
Here are five strategies that you may leverage to simplify the testing process in 2020.
1. Limit to Save Time

Limit your testing scope. Why? Keep in mind that testers are sometimes holistic, which tends to guide the testing process a broad testing strategy. It means that the test cases are tested from one end to another for each feature or function. While testing every depth and details of the system may be a good goal, it will just consume an unnecessary amount of time for the testers. The basis for identifying the scope of the test case should be the intent of the software.
Like in the concept of exploratory testing, you determine an engagement for each session of the testing process. The engagement may be narrowed to a specific or set of functions or features that you want to explore during the test. The testing team can also run through different test cycles using various experiment types to learn more about the following factors:
- Code sequencing
- The variable factor for all actions executed.
- Permutation of actions
However, not all testing techniques use exploration. Test automation, for one, doesn’t. The aim of using test automation is to allow the mechanism to notify you when the SUT (system under test) has a defect or error. Longer processes that use the exploratory concept are still useful, but if scripts are not appropriately directed, they will only waste the tester’s time. Therefore, identify the scripts and the test cases that you want to do first. Narrowing the testing scope of every feature will also help.
For example, you are working on a test script that should inform you if the password change in the SUT’s user account went through. What happens is that the script allows the login, shows the user profile in the platform, checks if the image is appropriate, builds a unique password, switches to another password, works in logging in again, logs out, and repeats the process. If the password is incorrect, check if the system will prompt the user through an email.
Such a busy yet necessary script, right? Keep in mind, though, that the testing process could have test cases that are data-driven to prevent having duplicate codes. Limiting the testing scope through proper planning of goals will allow testers to execute the tests efficiently.
2. Organize and Prioritize
Proper organization and prioritization of testing tasks depending on their complexity and importance can help you to have a swift and straightforward process. It is the best way to run the process as it can prevent you from going back to do small tasks because it was overlooked.
First, recognize and work on your parameters. Check and analyze weighted algorithms that will be essential to your test cases. Here are some of the test parameters that you may look into.
- Complexity: Is the testing script complicated? What is the level of intricacy of the tests that need to be processed? This parameter allows the testing managers to identify the tester’s level of expertise who can handle the test correctly. It will also allow the testing team to utilize the appropriate management tools, such as Jira, to assist them in reaching their goals. Moreover, the identification of the testing complexity will help to search for the best test case management tools for jira that will help you to make testing more effective and efficient.
- Importance: Identify the business impact of each testing task. Does it need to be prioritized, or can it be done at a later time? What is the level of risk of system error or defect if one process is done over another?
The two parameters above might not be able to provide you a specific index of what task should be done first or not. However, it may serve as a guide to give you an idea of how to prioritize and delegate your team member’s tasks and responsibilities.
A part of the prioritization concept is for the testing team to have a regular QA meeting. It will allow each to comment and air their views on essential testing tasks. It will ensure that all areas are covered and that all issues, even small ones, are accounted for.
3. Automated Testing Tools Help
Testers use automated testing tools to help ease the complexity of the testing process. These tools are vital to large-scale projects to help monitor, record and perform some tasks, especially the repetitive ones.
The Playback-type testing tool is one of the most popular. A tester can choose through various choices in the settings, including dialog box choices, in the application GUI. Documentation or recording takes place while the process is happening. Once done, an outcome report can be generated. Testers apply this technique through a text-based script, which the automated testing tool can also analyze and translate.
Another type that testers use to make the testing process more manageable is the functional testing type. These automated tools are data or keyword-driven. This approach has the test drivers set apart from the data or tasks processed. Through it, both the data and functions are well-maintained without the need for constant monitoring. It provides the testers more control over the application or software development and to monitor and maintain test cases.
4. Practice Camaraderie
Camaraderie and teamwork among all individuals involved in the process are vital for success. Understanding, respect, and cooperation are necessary for every member of the testing team, as well as with developers, managers, stakeholders, and the client. A smooth collaboration, including planning, goal setting, execution, and troubleshooting, will make it possible to channel concerns without going through unnecessary misunderstandings and arguments.
5. Allocate and Delegate Wisely
Proper allocation and delegation of tasks are one of the best approaches to make complex ones simpler. It will be possible for as long as you and the entire team are amenable to try ways to do such and accept tasks given to them.
Testers run tests that have long scripts and are usually time-consuming. Managers weighed in and suggested that long, complicated tasks should be made into smaller ones over short documents so the team can easily understand and allocate appropriately to the proper person. If testers use shorter modular test cases, tasks can be more flexible, and the scope will be more accurate and measurable.
Breaking down tasks and its proper delegation does not only apply to test cases, but it also applies to ALL testing tasks to allow easy and swift team management that will foster client satisfaction. Let’s use load testing as our example. If you arrange load testing activities in a smaller and more concise session with definite constituents, the testers will be able to pinpoint defects faster without the complexity of running loaded scenarios. Loaded testing scripts result in more prolonged and more grueling analysis in finding errors and bugs. However, this scenario is on the premise of testing one complete end-to-end system that is scheduled for performance and response-time checking.
Focused loading allows testers to allocate tasks quicker, which results in better and more successful test runs.
BONUS TIP: You can say NO.
Testers and developers need to know how to manage client expectations. Remember that sometimes, the client may ask for impossible requests that go way beyond what was initially discussed. You need to know the right situation and timing to set your limits. In the long run, your transparency and commitment will be enough to make the testing process successful.
The Most Popular Software Development Trends in 2020
A testing process requires time and effort. Proper assessment and planning will allow the testing team to manage their goals and expectations. It will also enable a more relaxed way to limit the scope appropriately. It will also promote appropriate categorization and prioritization of tasks. Then, delegation to the responsible team members.
Moreover, with the help of smarter technologies like AI-powered automated testing tools, testers can fully utilize management software that will allow them to monitor and create reports without issues. Still, we cannot discredit the idea of camaraderie. A good relationship among all involved will always make tasks more manageable.
About the Author

Patrick is an advertising and retail specialist with years of experience in software development and testing. She writes articles about new techniques in software testing and how to improve their quality and efficiency.