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In light of COVID-19, many of us are having to get used to working from home. For some, this is a great opportunity to foster a better work-life balance. For others, having to stay self-motivated in the same space every day is taking its toll. For some, the work-life balance is worse than ever as they are having to put more hours in to make up for all the wasted time procrastinating. And if you are reading this article, then that probably applies to you.
If you identify as a master procrastinator, then you have probably read all the advice online, meditate every day, write down your goals, exercise, etc. etc. And all those things are completely valid and beneficial to productivity. However, if you have made it this far, I am guessing that those things have not worked for you.
If you are like me, you need tools, things that you can physically see and use, to help you keep on track. Here then are some lesser-known productivity tips and tools.
The Pomodoro tracker requires you to work for 25 minutes, and then break for 5 (away from your computer). While that might sound like a lot of breaks, I find that I get a lot more done. For one, you have 25 minutes where you shouldn’t let yourself get distracted, and if you stop working, you just stare into space. Then you get away from your computer for 5 minutes and come back ready to go again. In those 5 minutes, you can do some star jumps, check social media, make a coffee, whatever works for you.
Rescue Time is an amazing app which tracks how you spend your time. That way, you can figure out exactly what is distracting you. You can also use it to block distracting sites, and you can even sync it up to your Gmail calendar and automatically block distracting sites during work hours. I couldn’t recommend this app enough!
Ok so you have probably heard this one before, but I felt the need to include it anyway because it is so important. Your workspace is essential to your productivity. If possible, you need a desk and a comfortable chair. Sitting on your sofa all day just won’t do.
Your workspace should also be kept clean, tidy and organized. In light of COVID-19 keeping everything clean, is more important than ever and with the PPE supply chain strained, this could be a struggle. Try and have some alcohol wipes handy and make this space your safe haven.
How To Be More Productive On Low Energy Days
Wall – Calendar
A big wall calendar in your office space can be a great tool. Although you probably have an online calendar, it just isn’t the same. Writing down how you are going to spend your time and having to physically tick it off can be very motivating.
Another good idea is a whiteboard. As a writer, I write down how many words I manage each day. I aim to keep beating the day before, which helps to keep me on track.
Which tool helps prevent you from procrastinating?
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