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Over the past two years, the popularity of live streaming has really taken off. During the worst days of the pandemic, everyone from musicians to business owners started live streaming events and promotional videos. The lockdowns that necessitated a rapid transition to digital interaction may have ended, but live streaming remains a remarkably effective way to reach target audiences on YouTube, Facebook, and a variety of other platforms.
The Professional Difference
Technically, it’s possible to live stream events and promo videos using nothing more than a smartphone camera. However, going low-tech is not the best idea for anyone serious about engaging with his or her target audience. Purchasing high-quality, professional gear that meets all of the recorders’ streaming and recording needs may require a small initial investment, but it will pay off in the long run.
Why Choose the Pearl Nano?
There are plenty of options out there when it comes to recording equipment, but few can compare to the Pearl Nano when it comes to live streaming capabilities. Investing in a Pearl Nano can help business owners, event planners, and individual artists or promoters create professional-quality live streamed videos without paying expensive fees to third-party videographers. Here are just a few of the benefits users can expect to see from investing in this revolutionary product:
Ease of Use
The Pearl Nano features a front screen that makes it simple to access key functions for easy live streaming and recording. The built-in screen allows users to verify settings such as audio levels and video programming without cutting away from the event or promo, ensuring that the video quality is always amazing without interrupting anyone’s viewing experience.
Professional Quality
Unlike some live streaming and recording products, the Pearl Nano also features a powerful but easy-to-use custom layout designer. Users can create amazing, eye-catching compositions with custom graphics and dynamic backgrounds to suit any event. This feature can be especially helpful when recording or live streaming lectures, meetings, and other events that could involve PowerPoint presentations.
SRT Protocol Support
The Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol is an open-source security program that allows users to stream high-quality, low-latency videos. Because it is an open-source protocol, SRT can be used on any network. The Pearl Nano offers out-of-the-box support for Haivision’s SRT protocol, making it easier to stream professional videos over any network without worrying about the quality.
Increased Efficiency
The Pearl Nano is designed for easy integration with video platforms such as Panopto, YuJa, and Kaltura. As a result, users will find that it’s easy to automatically start and stop their live streams, schedule recording times in advance, or push recordings to preferred platforms after events.
Perfect for Independent Use or as an Add-On
Thanks to its many unique features and easy integrations, the Pearl Nano is an equally ideal device for independent use at small-scale liv events and as an add-on to more complex production setups. The Pearl Nano comes with everything required to encode and record videos, and it’s easy to integrate.
Upgrade Today
Still using a smartphone or a low-quality video recorder to live stream events or record them for future use? It’s time to make the switch. Learn more about the Pearl Nano, book a live demo, and request an estimate online today.
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