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Are you having trouble getting away from the business? Does it follow you night and day, without let up? It’s okay to want to draw a line between personal and the office. After all, science says that more than ever it’s important to take care of yourself, thereby reducing stress and improving long-term productivity. When your well-being is solid, you may think clear and more creatively; plus, you might not dread going in for your daily job. To avoid burnout, consider implementing the following three habits.
Don’t Use a Personal Phone Number for Work
I totally get it. You feel like you need to take every call, at all times. So, when a major client wants to reach you, you handout that cell number, not wanting to disappoint. That, however, is a problem. If you go home and sit down for dinner, you’ll feel obligated to take that call. In addition, this can now happen at any day or time of day. Forget your ability to focus on other activities. If you really want the chance to work with people on a flexible schedule, then consider obtaining a ninja number. You’ll get the call, but it can be through a separate number, sent to your phone.
Stop Looking at Emails
When the ding sounds, you know something came through. Was it the boss? Do you have something that needs to get done right now? Emails can wait. Ignore the ring. Stay where you are and focus on your task. Over time, you may relax more, and won’t find yourself so fidgety and anxious over getting to your phone or computer. When you return to your desk, on a normal productive hour, look at it as a time to hyper-focus. Knowing that it gets done there means you won’t stress over that message at the moment.
Avoid Distractions
It’s so easy to go into the common area and chit chat about your weekend or a favorite show, but that time means you’re not focusing on projects, simply pushing it back for later. If that happens too much, you bring that paperwork or project home, creating frustration and disappointment. Limit your social interactions with colleagues, so you can be the best employee possible. In turn, that lets you be a good person at home.
A healthy body might just mean a better employee. Keep that in mind and draw a line. You’ll be happy you did.
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