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Business houses use a wide range of communication channels in order to transmit important business messages. The moment you think of business communication, sepia-tinted memories of a jam-packed inbox are bound to come to your mind. Businesses send e-mailers to clients and employees almost every single day. Emails are sent by businesses to mark festivals, such as Christmas. Such forms of communication are extremely formal and do not involve a higher degree of intimacy.
You can type a standard birthday message and keep on resending it again and again (remember to change the name of the employee). You can keep on doing this again and again, but it won’t end up adding to the richness. Plain and bland emailer account for nothing. You need to have a wide range of communication channels in order to get in touch with the employees, customers, and clients. This will help you understand things in a much better way.
Here are a few reasons why informal communication will take the front seat in the foreseeable future.
Informal is ‘comfortable’
Yes, informal communication is far more convenient and comfortable. A lot of people love to communicate in an informal way. In this way, they are able to discuss things in a much easier way than usual. Informal communication lets you open up your heart. Also, it helps you to discuss things you wouldn’t discuss otherwise. Almost all of the contemporary corporate houses have a dedicated platform for undertaking internal communication. The idea is to provide employees with an efficient medium to voice out their concerns. Criterion Systems can help you take business communication a notch higher.
There are no ‘filters’
Yes, you heard that right. Informal communication does not come with attached filters. The comments and viewpoints shared by you won’t be ‘censored’. Well, you do need to stay a bit careful while posting something online. One wrong/objectionable comment can end up tarnishing your professional reputation. Do think twice before posting anything on the company portal. Having no filters and mediators is great, but the same can end up backfiring if it is misused or taken for granted.
You get to open your heart
Through informal channels of communication, you get to open your heart up through informal means. Making a WhatsApp chat group is definitely a great idea. In this way, you will be able to share your views and opinions in a largely informal way. You can type a message on WhatsApp and share it with all of your friends and colleagues. In this way, you will be able to speak out. Formal communication allows you to deliver the message but it doesn’t help you create long-standing relationships. You get a chance to know more and more people. The more you interact, the more will be the number of contacts you will make.
Better understanding leads to trustworthiness
If you interact frequently with your colleagues, then you will end up developing trustworthiness. Trustworthiness forms the heart, blood and soul of any organisation, no matter how big or small. This allows you to speak up and share ideas. The more ideas you share, the more you will learn. Make sure you interact frequently with your friends and colleagues. Also, it is equally important to listen. You cannot keep on talking and ignoring other people’s thoughts and viewpoints. Listening is just as important as talking.
Final words:
You can interact freely if informal channels of communication are well laid within your organisation. In this way, you get to learn a lot from each other. This happens to be one of the many reasons for the growing popularity of informal communication.
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