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It’s a tale as old as time: if you want to increase your business’s output and profit margins, you have to improve productivity. But encouraging your employees to focus more on their jobs is more complicated than doing group exercises and offering cheap rewards. Effectively promoting productivity requires changes to the system of how your business operates.
Improve ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning is the term for software packages that allow businesses to conduct basic electronic operations smoothly and efficiently. Improving your business’s ERP is an essential first step to making your workplace more productive. You could have the hardest-working and most dedicated staff in the world, and they would not be able to complete as much work with a slow and cumbersome interface. Microsoft Dynamics ERP and other companies offer solutions that streamline your business’s technology operations and make it easier for everyone to get work done.
Upgrade Your Desktops
Making sure your internal software is streamlined and running smoothly is important, but an equally important factor in employee productivity is the efficiency of your workplace’s computers. A slow, outdated computer makes even the simplest tasks a challenge, but many workplaces balk at the upfront cost of upgrading, electing instead to continue using the same hardware long after it has stopped working efficiently. If buying brand new desktops proves too expensive, even something as minor as switching from traditional hard drives to solid-state drives can tremendously increase computer speed.
5 Ways ERP Can Deliver ROI – An Infographic
Discourage Social Media Use
Here is where improving technology intersects with more traditional, worker-oriented methods for increasing productivity. For every worker that sits in front of a computer for their entire workday, there exists the temptation to browse social media while on the clock. Watching YouTube videos or reading Facebook posts will naturally have a detrimental effect on output; encouraging workers to abstain from social media by rewarding increased productivity could be an indirect solution. A more direct approach involves installing software to block specific websites. These kinds of software eliminate the issue of social media altogether, without the need for a meeting or reward system.
When addressing productivity in the workplace, improving the speed and efficiency of your business’s technology is crucial. Slower computer speeds and unintuitive interfaces add unnecessary time and difficulty in basic workplace tasks. Addressing these can be expensive upfront, but can lead to the kind of sustainable, long-term growth that will allow your business to flourish.
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