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In the world of inbound marketing, content is king. Whether it’s on your blog or via Social Media, providing informative and original content is a must. But, coming up with new and exciting content regularly can be a time-consuming process.
Unfortunately, simply reposting the same old articles is not a very good SEO tactic. And, constantly forming unique ideas is difficult. Sooner or later you will hit a wall.
However, one of the best ways to make use of any existing content, and to get the most out of it, is to recycle your writing and ideas in different ways. And, what’s the easiest way to do this? With a Virtual Assistant, of course!
Reuse Old Content
The ways in which you can reuse and recycle existing content are boundless. One original creation can provide a myriad of fresh and versatile ideas. With a bit of tweaking, select articles and blog posts can contain timeless content.
For example, by updating and revising trends and statistics, the subject matter stays up-to-date, yet also becomes new again. By presenting it in a different manner, you can provide a new take on it as well. Think about updating or enhancing the images using popular design tools.
Recycle To Add Value
Believe it or not, recycling content can actually add value to your site. If an initial post is strong, subsequent posts that relate to it one can help to boost your traffic.
One way to do this is by taking a podcast and transcribing it into a blog post. It is a simple and effective way to not only reuse information, but also garner attraction from different audiences.
You could then go one step further and turn the same thoughts into image-based material. Build a SlideShare presentation, design an infographic, and create shareable images.
Get A Virtual Assistant To Help
Not everyone is going to have the time available to create all of these different mediums. Handing these tasks off to a Virtual Assistant is a win-win. Not only do you save yourself valuable time and money, but an experienced VA will also be able to execute high-quality content.
Build on your presence and keep the traffic flowing to your site by outsourcing the process to a VA. A good Virtual Assistant will be able to effectively create new and diverse content for you, from initial concepts, through to research and delivery.
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About the Author

Emily Cooper, owner and Virtual Assistant at The Admin Assistant, was born with a passion for administration and organisation. With vast experience working in various high-pressure office environments, Emily created The Admin Assistant to provide remote administrative solutions to individuals and businesses across the globe. Emily’s knowledge, skills and strong work ethic, combined with current and emerging technologies, help her clients to work smarter, not harder.