If you run a successful retail business, you have a good reason to feel proud. Retail is a notoriously challenging industry to work in, and only the most capable business people have succeeded. In part 2 of this report we will look at: Adapting your business processes; Managing … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Optimize Your Videos and Get Them Shared
We earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Marketing with videos is an important part of content marketing today. It's also a very effective form of online marketing that gets huge results. Your audience is more likely to share a video than a text blog, … [Read more...]
Book Review: Your Book is the Hook
As a small business owner, you face many challenges. One of the biggest challenges is having market visibility. “How do you stand out in a crowded market place?” In “Your Book is the Hook” Karen Williams gives you step by step guidance on writing your book and also … [Read more...]
The Importance of Proper Marketing Campaigns
We earn commissions if you shop through the links on this page. Businesses can be handled in so many ways. Sometimes business owners launch a startup and reach success at a very early stage. Some other times you have to undergo several failures until you achieve what you have … [Read more...]
Defend Your Business from Hackers
Cybercrime is at epidemic proportions. Businesses like Sony, JP Morgan, Home Depot, even NASDAQ have been devastated by hacking attacks that have left them scrambling to recover. These are giants in the business world that were once thought indestructible. It may have been this … [Read more...]