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Water is a vital compound that is needed for our daily survival. For many weeks a person can survive without food, but the same case cannot be stated with water as you can hardly last for a week. For this reason, it is of essence that you go on to have water in the right amount.
As an employer, it is a requirement that you provide drinking water at work for your employees. Dehydration is the biggest productivity killer. If you have a water purification plant at your office you ensure a smooth supply of pure water to your employees and this will allow you to get the best out of your team.
Let us now explore the reasons why water is the healthiest form of drink that is available on the human planet. Here are the benefits of drinking water:
Your head is cleared when you are hydrated
Though the exact reason is still not known, a London based study is of the opinion a consensus exists when you carry water to your examination hall and better grades. Water has a direct impact on your mood levels and when you are dehydrated you become grumpy and depressed.
Makes you lose weight
Though consumption of water is not directly related to weight loss, it is a viable alternative to beverages that has a high calorie content. Once you drink water at regular intervals of time it prevents cravings. At the same time eating food with a lot of water is an ideal resort to lose weight as it tends to more voluminous; more chewing is required as the body is expected to be taking a long time in order to absorb them.
Helps to put in better performance
This is maybe the greatest benefit that you from drinking proper amounts of water. Nearly 75 % of water is incorporated into our muscle tissues. These points to the fact that if you do not drink enough amount of water it can have an impact on your electrolyte levels. During exercise, you also need to be hydrated. As per experts, you need to consume 12 ounces of water before you exercise. Do take extra care to replace the fluid that you are losing out by exercise as dehydration during the time of exercise can lead to blood clots.
Joint pains are reduced
If you drink sufficient amount of water daily it keeps the cartilage lubricated and hydrated. This does appear to the same principle on which glucosamine is known to operate. The cartilage helps to absorb water pointing to the fact that you need to increase the intake of water once you start to take it.
The toxins are flushed out from the system
The blood fluids are the carrier that is responsible for transporting the waste products from the cells to your kidneys. Though the main component BUN is eliminated through the urine. Once you drink the right amount of water it goes on to reduce the stress on your kidneys and ensures that your urine is odourless, colourless and even concentrated. To drink the proper amount of water is all the more important once you reside in warm climates so as to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Possibility of cancer reduces
Regular consumption of water reduces the possibility of cancer by a wide margin. It helps to reduce colon or breast cancer by 45 % and by 50 % when it is bladder cancer.
Ensures a healthy and glowing skin
Water is known to hydrate your skin which can be a regular fix for wear and tear. It works its magic when it deals with tired skin cells. But do not expect over-hydration as a readymade fix in order to cope up with issues of ageing. Water is expected to regenerate your skin cells and the colour along with the texture of the largest organ in the human body is maintained. For this reason, most companies have gone on to install an industrial RO system at the premises.
Helps to improve circulation
Considered as the major component of body fluids water ensures proper distribution of nutrients all over the human body. Even water has a role to play in proper distribution of temperature in the human body. Water also contributes to better digestion as it is known to keep the stomach moist. If lack of water is witnessed the colon goes on to absorb water from excretory mass from your stomach leading to constipation.
The procedure to intake the proper amount of water on a day to day basis?
By now the good effects of water are visible; it becomes necessary to consume sufficient water on a regular basis during the day. The main reason why lack of water consumption takes place is due to neglect and laziness, busy lifestyle and a tendency to choose beverage drinks. Below are a series of steps that ensures you have a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis.
- Whenever you are out, carry water with you. By doing so you will not be ignoring the thirst. Be it your home, gym or even the office when you have a bottle of water in your hand you are not bound to be thirsty.
- When you have a tendency to spend on an expensive beverage think of your wallet. Water is in abundance and is one of the cheapest forms of liquids around. In addition, not all drinks are going to relieve you of thirst. If you find it to be listless and devoid of taste you can add a tinge of lemon or honey to make it taste better.
- Opt for food with high moisture content. This can be in the form of soup, lemons or watermelons.
- There are various apps in the market available which motivate you to drink the correct amount of water daily. You can go on to rely on natural motivators or you can have something at spaced intervals of time.
Keep in mind that to maintain the correct amount of water on a daily basis poses to be a challenge for most of us. Even some health junkies have gone on to overdo. Ideally, it is suggested that you should not drink more than 2 litres of water on a daily basis as excess water can lead to water poisoning.
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