This article contains affiliate links. For more info, see disclosure. Whether new in the industry or not, having a digital strategy is a good way to stay on top of your competition. With more and more people having access to the internet, it has since become imperative for … [Read more...]
First Year of Business Survival Guide
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 50 percent of business startups thrive past the fifth year. Companies that start off on the right foot during their first year of business often improve their chances of surviving. One of the major missteps a new business can … [Read more...]
Blogger Outreach the Right Way
Content is created at an amazing velocity nowadays, thousands of articles are written every day. Without an active content promotion strategy even the best content get unnoticed. One highly effective strategy is blogger outreach, connecting with people in your niche and building … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Destress your Employees
According to the American Institute of Stress, job stress costs US business more than $300 billion annually. What steps can your organization take to alleviate employee stress? 10 ways to destress your employees infographic from The Jacobson Group About the … [Read more...]
Gender Discrimination Is Hindering Tech Industry Growth
Sopra Banking Software uncovers why it is that men still dominate senior positions in Tech and why men are out-earning women, even in equal positions. The UK gender pay gap won’t close until 2069 unless measures are taken to combat it now. That’s another 53 years that women … [Read more...]