Growth of E-Commerce What is e-commerce? Well, in simple terms, it is the selling and buying of goods over the internet. The industry has flourished faster than its brick and mortar counterparts (conventional shops). It has been three decades since the introduction … [Read more...]
Overcoming the Challenges of the Hybrid Office
The hybrid workplace is one in which there's a combination of in-office work and remote work. There may be flexibility for employees to choose how they want to work from day to day or week to week. After a year of remote work, many employers are getting creative about how … [Read more...]
Preventing and Responding to Harassment in the Workplace
First of all, before we can talk about prevention, we need to recognize that there is, in fact, harassment in the workplace. Harassment is a form of employment discrimination. It is defined as unwanted conduct which creates a hostile work environment that is offensive. It … [Read more...]
4 Tips To Build Your Own Node.Js Development Team From Scratch
If you would like to declare a "war" in the Web world, JavaScript would probably be your primary gun. Before changing the topic to the core of the article, we should mention that even the best rifle cannot work well if it does not come with a good riflescope - in our case, a … [Read more...]
How Your Business Can Benefit from Using Data Analytics Services
Businesses today are collecting data along with all points of the customer journey. Information may include the customer’s interaction on social media, digital clicks, mobile app usage, and more. All the information contributes to a data fingerprint that is unique to the … [Read more...]