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During the pandemic, the landscape of work altered dramatically. Many companies are now adopting work from home or a hybrid model. As working from home became the new normal, people started spending more time at home. Cleaning and decluttering has become increasingly important to keep a healthy and productive environment. Keyboard, desk and mouse are breeding grounds of bacteria. These surfaces harbour viruses that cause infections with germs. One germ can multiply to 8 million in one day.
Our infographic shows how an unhygienic workspace causes 68% of sick leave resulting in an average of 5 days sick leave annually. A keyboard is likely to be the dirtiest item in the home with 3,543k germs per square inch, even more than a toilet. Pathogens like flu and cold can last on hard surfaces for up to 24 hours. More dangerous pathogens such as MRSA can last anywhere between 2-6 months.
When it comes to tackling the spread of germs at home, there are many ways you can keep your home workspace clean and bacteria-free. Washing hands and not eating at the workplace help reduce bacteria levels. Regular cleaning is also essential. TidyChoice presents their top cleaning tips in the attached infographic ‘’Why you need to clean your home workplace’’.
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