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Before the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic suddenly changed our lives a few days ago, forcing our country to declare a state of alert and many companies to send their employees to work from home. Exact data cannot be known, but this data will have shot up to levels never seen before. There is no problem, on the contrary, but it is true that inexperience can be very dangerous when opting for telework, where it is advisable to take special measures to protect both your personal safety and that of the company you work for.
Recommendations for working from home
Specifically, three are common recommendations: work on computers with updated software, keep the firewall and antivirus of the device in question at full performance and always log off when finished.
Adopt measures to guarantee the security of the devices you use in telework and avoid being a victim of cybercrime:
– Updated equipment and software
– Active antivirus and firewall
– Always log out when finished
In any case, beyond the general recommendations, which are certainly appreciated, as a home worker it is important to take into account several more details. These are, in our opinion, the most important:
1. The work computer is for exclusive use
Working in a professional network environment from a laptop that is owned by the company implies a responsibility of the worker not to use it on a personal level, however difficult to reject the temptation. And if you own the computer, it is essential to differentiate well between professional use and personal use, hence the impact on logging out of professional applications or the VPN environment in which you carry out your activity.
2. Choose the network well
You have to make sure very well what types of networks you work on and for what. It is not the same to use a public network to write a text in a Google manager document, for example, than to connect remotely to the company environment. Anyway, when in doubt, it is best to avoid public networks because they have too many security holes.
3. Beware of phishing
We have already talked a lot about him, but you always have to be alert with phishing, and more in the work environment. You already know that these types of traps are very treacherous because attackers try to break your security with emails that seem trustworthy or other similar means. Be very careful, also when you are outside the professional environment. If you need some help, we can recommend Managed IT Services Queens NY.
4. The security of passwords
It does not hurt to check all the passwords once now that the responsibility is even greater when you choose to telecommute. Make sure they shield you enough to be a real security barrier. Remember that they must have a combination of characters and, as far as possible, avoid associating them with personal information. In any case, it is best to follow the advice of each company, which will surely have insisted these days that you comply with the recommendations specified in its digital security manual.
5 Easy Things you can do NOW to make your Business Safer from Hackers
Just because you are in your living room or study room opting for teleworking does not mean that you can lower your guard. In any case you should actually upload it, so please don’t relax. Be responsible. Your company will value it and, more importantly, your own cybersecurity will too.
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